Because the last competition was lost I am going to add a copy of SUPERCHIP signed by all of the EBB and a signed T- Shirt.
So what do you have to do to win the competition?
1. In the comments section of this post write a caption for the photo below of the coppers and little girl. By the way she is Steve’s daughter who has her own family now. She is as gorgeous now as then. This photo is one of my all time favourites.
2. List your three favourite EBB songs.
Steve will judge the best caption to the photo and when we return from Germany we will announce the winner who will have to email a postal address to where the prizes can be sent.
This competition will be live until the beginning of the UK Tour so get posting your captions in the comments section of this post. As in the last competition you can enter as many times as you like providing you enter with a different name or anonymously each time.
The EBB finished rehearsals yesterday in preparation for the upcoming European / UK tour. I can tell you we all worked extremely hard as we wanted to build improvements into the show for 2007. We all ended the rehearsals very happy with the results and we have added a new song called Soldiers of the Light to the show. We have also put Poppy in and Green Lights back in along with Last Electioneer which we took out for a while to save my voice for the Live DVD set in Bonn.
Finally, in response to enquiries regarding obtaining copies of photos from The First Supper and Exhibits from A New Museum I have put details on the Exhibits From A New Museum weblog.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
"Bet my Uncle is louder than your Uncle"
1. I want to lie
2. Hotel Room
3. Green Lights
which one of you lot is Officer Dan then ?
green lights
mommas reward
say you love me
Simon says....................fold arms!
Green lights, poppy, say you love me.
Lincoln Mike
I said your names are not on the door so you can't come in ..ok!
this week its:
evening over rooftops
call me a liar
up yours (for Blair and Bush!)
next week they will be different!
from Lincoln too
"It's ok little girl we're going to lock those hairy chaps up later"
Evening over rooftops
Green Lights
It's not you
But like Tony from Lincoln it will change soon.
"What`s so funny mo-fos?Don`t make me reach in my back pocket!"
1.Evening Over Rooftops
2.It`s Not You
3.There`s No Vibration But Wait!
'I think that nappy qualifies for an ASBO'.
1.Dr Spock
2.Hotel Room
Paul in the Dales
"Ello ello ello"
1. Evening Over Rooftops
2. It's Not You
3. Death of an Electric Citizen
Hope I win but I like the Asbo nappy myself ! Nice one, Paul
ello ello - shouldn't you be onstage with your dad or does that come later ?
say you love me
call me a liar
hotrel room
'This one looks like trouble...better call for the SWAT team'
1.Speak down the wires.
2.Love in the rain.
3.Side by side.
Janice in the Dales
"It's a good disguise, Osama, but it doesn't fool us"
1. Death of an Electric Citizen
2. There's No Vibrations, But Wait
3. Out Demons Out
Little Miss Broughton says-
'I'm on strike!.....and this is an official picket line'.
1.Why can't somebody love me.
2.Call me a liar.
Dan in the Dales
'She looks like she may be concealing an explosive device... call bomb disposal to de-fuse her nappy'.
1.Green Lights.
2.Gone Blue.
3.Up Yours.
James in the Dales
duya like cus-cus kid! or
its called apachie drop out, not anappy drop out!
or if i get mad i'll take ten for one ! and theres only three of ya!
tony from lincoln (again)
hotel room
call me a liar (for Bush and Blair)
homes fit for heroes
(told ya it would change)
'When you three are retired with 'stress', I'll still only be two and a half years old'.
1.Signal Injector.
2.One to Seven.
Oi, stop laughing at my Liverpool shirt or my uncle will do you
Which little piggy had roast beef then
Evening over rooftops
Gone blue
Dawn crept away
May change favourites again:-)
Arrest my mum, she won't let me stay up to watch The Egdar Broughtons Band!!
Which one of you has got my dads dope?!
Go on then, search my nappy, m-a-a-a-n!
So, who's gonna put me on thier shoulders, and take me up the front then?
I'm with the band, I had to put my back-stage pass in my nappy to stop it leaking. You can search me if you want?
Ello ello ello little girl what's your name?
Side by side
Evening over the roof tops
Old gopher
Girl to Police:
"OK OK who started the Out Demons Out chant"
1.No Vibrations But Wait
2.call Me a Liar
3.The whale
OK, kid, where's your stash?
1. Gone Blue
2. Love Gang
3. Poppy
Tony H.
Michael from Albuquerque New Mexico,USA Said
Girl to Policemen Who bumped you three on your heads?
Out Demons Out.
Evening Over Rooftops
Theres no Vibration,but wait.
"at least I know who MY dad is!"
speak down the wires
green lights
out demons out (for Bush and Blair)
tony(noch mal)
from Lincoln
SO....... Your Chris De Burgh's Lady In Red are You?
Evening over rooftops
green lights
Good luck for the tour, Dave (iom)
okay..which little piggy went to market?
Green Lights
Evening Over Rooftops
Hotel ROOM
"my dad'n'uncle doesn't like you very much, and I won't either if you doesn't let'em all out.... now....they're all kind and just wanted to play for free...."
For the moment :
speak down the wires
hurricane man/rock'n'roller
getting hard/what is a woman for ?
Damn! I gotta work nights the week of the UK gigs.
& I really wanted to get my hands on the new CDs too. Are you gonna do them mail order?
Also, any south coast dates this summer?
Be lucky
Tony H.
'You ask me what I'm doing......I'm watching the children grow'.
Side by side
Dr Spock
Someone has given the sign speaker a kick
Yesterday :
Why can't somebody love me
Old Gopher
To you lucky ones that'll see them live; have a safe journey and a hell of a time !
Sorry, you can't come in, you haven't got long hair, that's not your dope, an' you prob'ly think you're grown-ups!
If I'm little red riding hood you must be the 3 little piggy's.
Still thae same as last time !!
If I'm little red riding hood you must be the 3 little piggy's.
Still thae same as last time !!
here are a few:
1: (girl) Which of you fuckers stole my stash?
2: (girl) My dad says you're all tools of a fascist state so Thhhhbbbbbtttt to you.
3: (cop) I don't care how many concerts I get to hear for free, if I have to change another tofu nut burger nappy, I'm leaving the force
4: (girl) Is that a truncheon in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me
5: (cop) I don't care if you are with the band, I'm still not changing your nappy
favourite songs:
Hotel Hobbies
Green Lights
I want to lie
the bear and the rabbit were taking a shit side by side, hey said the bear to the rabbit do you find after having a shit that the shit sticks to your fur... no said the rabbit,and with that the bear picked up the rabbit and wiped his arse with it.. i wish i was wearing a rabbit instead of this flaming nappy!said the little Broughton girl.
dont even know which day it is
why can't somebody love me(for Bush or Blair)
love in the rain
tony from lincoln
1. Go for your guns when the clock strikes noon
2. (girl) OK lads, look after yourselves and go get me that hairy one with the loud mouth
3. I didn't know Village People were playing
4. You may very well call us PC Plod young lady, but we are, in fact, part of a highly efficient organisation dedicated to impartially maintaining the delicate balance between civil liverties and the rule of law whilst promoting social cohesion within an overarching framework of respect and tolerance for the diverse communities which we humbly serve.
Now move along or you're nicked.
5. So, have you started to say a few words yet? Yeah, well could you go and get me an ice cream then 'cos I can't reach the counter.
6. (police) Don't worry Sid they'll never rumble you in that get up
7. "oos an oochycoochywoochygirlywirly then?"
"Sorry officer, I didn't quite catch that"
8. Is the man in the crowd with his back to us actually a youthful Tony Blair watching Rob on guitar and saying "You know, I'll never be able to play as good as that, I'm going to have to think of a different career"
9. Do you give your panda a nice cuddle in bed too?
10. Don't just stand there laughing mate, do something about that smoke from the forest fire.
11. Is Steve's daughter saying to the two policmen on the left: "Don't look now, but there's a square-headed ghostly looking robot peering over your shoulders"
(just forget this and the next one one if you can't see him)
12. Is the robot saying out of the way earthlings I will speak only to your leader in the red dress and space pants
13. Is the girl on the right saying: I don't care if you are a drummer in the Edgar Broughton Band, you're not getting off with me with until you grow your hair and get some decent trousers.
14. c'mon guv just 10 minutes off so we can do some grooving to the funky beat man.
15.Is one of the policemen saying. C'mon lads, if we can look silly enough we could end up as a digitised image on a caption competition on a, yet to be invented, worldwide network of computers viewable by billions of people in every corner of the globe.
What is a woman for
It's not you
Jim (Bristol)
For the last time im Not a groupie, i just like the music!.. could you tell me where the bands tour bus is parked .
everything mostly!
'I'm collecting for the UK Prisoners Benevolent and Support Fund......cough up you three!'
1.Side by Side.
2.Signal Injector.
3.Evening over Rooftops.
'I'm subverting what's above'
Smokestack Lightning
Apache Dropout
Caption Contest:
"So you must be the Madhatters Daddy's band keeps singing about then?"
Phil Robb - philrobb@btinternet.com
3 Favourite EBB Songs: (in no order)
1. Evenings Over Rooftops;
2. It's Not You
3. Hotel Room
Remember Redcar ?.First one of you Pigs to make a move and i'll nut you in the bag.
1.Ancient homeland,2.Its not you 3.Get out of bed/side by side.
" ahemmm...I'd like to say a few words on behalf of the band"
Get a Riise :)
Frühling flowers (who is Claudia ?)
Signal injector
"look i'm tellin you when i grow up i'm going to be famous, whats so funny about the name Britney Spears"!!
"What does she mean we gonna be in a blog someday?"
Hotel Room
Evening over Rooftps
Love in the Rain
charley says always keep a tight hold of mummy's hand at open air concerts
the moth
hotel room
'Which one of you is 'Sting' then?'
Hotel Room
Why can't somebody love me ?
ps - I've just worked I can see the EBB 5 times for the price of one 'Police' ticket - I know what I'll be doing !!
Gian Maria Volonte
Do I want to buy a ticket for the policemen's ball ? I'm not sure. Is it a dance or a raffle ?
1. Evening over Rooftops
2. It's Not You
3. Death of an Electric Citizen
do you know what time S Club 7 are playing!
Officer's can you help me i've got a big peice of chewing gum stuck to me arse!
tony (again)
you name it!
My Dad said you can't come to his party tonight!
1. Homes fit for heroes
2. Evening Over Rooftops
3. Green Lights
'My dad's in a band called 'The New Brooms' '.
Dr Spock
Call me a liar
Hangover in the Dales
'My dad's in a band called 'The New Brooms' '.
Dr Spock
Call me a liar
Hangover in the Dales
"there's no vibrations....but wait....ahhhh just filled me pants!"
everything past and present.
" The Eagle has landed!"
Frank Gallagher(Shameless)
aka tony from lincoln
soldiers of the night
hotel room
say you love me
A Policemans lot is not a nappy one
Death of an Electric citizen
The Psychopath
Dropout boogie/refugee
"have i come to see Eric flipping Clapton.... you must be joking man!..i'm here to see the Edgar Broughton Band!! Eric Clapton indeed!"
Lincoln again
you already know!
"look i'm telling you for the last time my dad played drums on tubular bleeding bells!"
thats it now me last one !(promise)
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