Saturday, 22 December 2007
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Seven days a go we were heading to Edinburgh for the first gig there for a very long time. The above picture was taken at the Scottish border. Thanks to every one for their very kind emails. I am glad you enjoyed the shows. Some of your comments were very kind and very encouraging. We experienced some real northern winter weather on the road and today it is bitterly cold here in the south, as it seems to be every where in the UK. As bad weather moves in bringing rain the journeys from show to show take on a very different colour. Fortunately Spadge, our very accomplished driver, never surprises us with stupid on the road moves. I never wake up from a doze to the sound of squealing brakes which for a seasoned travelling troubadour is an extremely unnerving and wearing experience. As the miles mount up over the years it seems the need to be able to not worry about the driving becomes mandatory. We have always had great drivers so we all very spoiled. Some times the back room guys don’t get the credit they deserve so plaudits galore to Spadge who is one of the most level, skilled and industrious companions we could wish for. He is very highly regarded by all of us. Thanks for every thing Spadge. Also big ups to Rick merchandise sales person with attitude and drum technician. Rick is fun and a great travelling companion. An outrageous character and when teamed up with Luke and in full cry, the fun starts in earnest. He does fall over a lot and bumps into things with regular frequency. The rest of the time he is always checking some thing and feeding back to us with all kinds of useful info as well as making friends with all and sundry. It is important our people make a good impression. Good manners are very important to us.
It was so nice to meet up with old friends and connect with new ones and folks who had waited a long time to see us. It was also very gratifying to see how well the new songs were received.
Soon we will start recording them. The first song on the schedule will be Six White Horses. Pre production is well under way on that and soon I expect three or four other new songs will be ready for recording. We plan to use a variety of methods to record the songs including some programming. Soon Steve will begin programming drum tracks in earnest and in a way we haven’t ever employed before. I think the right mix of technology and a methodology that will allow the power of the live EBB to come through in a final mix, will be the goal.
Speaking of goals the 3.0 drubbing by LFC of Newcastle was very satisfying earlier this afternoon.
New labours recent disasters have surely left no one very surprised. When targets become the sole goal there is a lack of clarity, duty of care and finally abject confusion. These are the early stages of steep decline in the value of our elected representatives. The loss of personal data of so many citizens is a disgrace and when the conditions and circumstances leading to the screw up are released no one is surprised that it happened and no one believes it won’t happen again. Targets prioritised over commonsense will lead to far worse. I am afraid the recent reporting of health care in Norfolk and the inability to admit and care for patients needing hospitalisation will inure people to sliding standards. We shrug and try to work round such events caused by poor government when we should be lining up in the newly liberated Parliament square ( thanks Gordon ) to give ‘em hell. We seem to accept the reality of people pulling their own teeth, decreased refuse collections, jammed prisons, piracy masquerading as free enterprise as in the case of the railways and the postal service, BT and British Airways to name but a few. Teachers are under the cosh, social workers are leaving the profession in droves because there are not enough resources to do their job effectively. What is on offer to needy, minority groups, especially people with disabilities, is decreasing as I write. It seems the so called rationalisation and reform of every public service results in a poorer service and less support for all who need it. A very disturbing out come of all of this is the growing alienation and disillusionment of undervalued professionals in the public sector as essential services are run down. Recently I have been depressed and generally having a tough time emotionally. Some of it is due to unreasonable demands made of me by people driven by concepts completely alien to me so last weekend was a real tonic. Probably not quite what the doctor ordered but definitely a boost for the spirit. It will be some time before we see most of you again. We have a record to make and it could be one of the most significant episodes of our existence so far. I have every reason to believe it will be and I am inspired and encouraged by all of your support and kindness to us over the past two years since we went back on the road. See you soon ?
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
Dear Broughtons,
Hi. Just thought you might like to see the attached picture. Mydaughter's school has an annual competition for a display of decoratedeggs. These are always themed and corny - an egg halfway up a mountain(Sir Eggmund Hillary and his Everest Eggsploration) and so on. Mydaughter Ruby won this year with her display: the Eggdgar BroughtonBand. The picture shows you all on stage, but it also included an MP3player playing a loop of 'Hotel Room' and 'Evening Over Rooftops'. As afamily of Broughton-fanatics, we were ecstatic that she won. Hope youlike the pic.Me and my wife Rachael went to see you in Bristol earlier this year. Wewondered when you might be doing more gigs in the south-west, andwhether any of these would be venues that would admit kids. We have a15-year old, 14-year old, and Ruby (12) desparate to see you live.All the best, and keep up the wonderful work.
Mark Frost
How cool is the above ? It was very nice to get this e mail and we are all very touched by Ruby's lovely and SO COOL tribute.
Tom aged 12 got in touch recently. The autographs are on their way mate.
The new generation of First Supperists is here.
The Ebb rehearsed at the weekend on Saturday and Sunday. Dave produced a box full of effects pedals he has been collecting since the last gigs. What a collection! We spent a lot of time playing around with sounds and auditioning his new Line 6 guitars. The days of almost immediate sound gratification are here and now. The Line 6 guitars offer a variety of instruments types and sounds at the flick of a switch. Dave has an electric six string and acoustic model. They both reproduce a variety of instruments very efficiently and you can hear them in action at the upcoming gigs. So Line 6 if you would like to send me a free sample or two I will be more than happy to use 'em. Sunday was spent refining some new songs including searching for the definitive arrangement for Six White Horses and changing the set a little. All in all Sunday was a breeze. The EBB are on full power and looking forward to heading north.
We are very happy to welcome Chrissy Hamlin to the EBB team. Chrissy is handling our press and publicity. Some of you will have seen Chrissy's re vamped My space site. Any one who has asked to be an EBB My space "friend" should re apply. I can't promise all messages will be answered but we will do our best as and when we have time.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007

I don’t suppose of all my traits any one might pick conformity as a biggie but of course I conform and do so just as grudgingly as ever in some instances. But I pay my taxes etc, etc. I’m doing o.k. I still have most of my faculties though I’ve had a serious case of the blues lately and work has been a trial for some time now. I cannot perform to my best ability in the Kafkaesque environment that is rampant in local government agencies. I for see many large rooms in the House of paper and still many more citizens will toil to prove wrong is right and all is well through compiling huge mountains of statistical evidence. It will not matter that essential services will dwindle as the paper mountain rises from the ashes of commonsense.
There is no doubt that the people of my parent’s generation and of their parents worked extremely hard for not much though I think life is more complicated today and the stresses are probably as mentally debilitating as was the physical work load of the average working man back then. Now we work hard for quite a lot but all too often the resulting mental anguish is too high a cost. In spite of all this I am personally relatively unscarred by life. I would still rather have the time than the money.
I have very much to be thankful for and indeed I am. It is good to be older and hopefully wiser. I feel right in my skin if you know what I mean. I am not daunted by looking in the mirror though my protesting muscles and joints cause dismay when I occasionally push a bit hard on the bicycle these days. I am sorry for people afraid of the passing years. My mother was in some ways a victim of worrying about the day when it would all be over. I have had some of the best times of my life in the past ten years and I expect that to continue for a long time to come. Bring it on.
I have just begun to change my life around and have taken the first steps. I suspect that by the time I have been en route for some time, people will be a little surprised at some of the decisions I will have taken. Nothing new there then. So I say embrace today. Now is all there is for certain. Enjoy the moment while not neglecting to plan a future. The things that always thrilled me still do so and the dreams are still intact. It is very easy to get dragged down by the negativity of this world but it should be resisted. Then we find others on the same path who can lend support and power towards a happy life. I know this. Be true to your self. I wish you all a happy birthday when ever it is and the same for every day of your life and the lives of your people.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Over time the EBB has been associated with what used to be called Agitprop events and activities. The stories and the experiences of fellow participants have been attached to the so-called “legendary” status of the band. From the earliest times it always seemed to be necessary for the EBB to assert its aims and objectives in a strident manner. I had experienced conflict at home from an early age and in spite of what was in many ways an idyllic child hood the spectre of domestic conflict was never far away. I suffered deep anguish like all kids who witness. I learned to be loud but have learned to be quieter over time. Through out the days of the EBB there were confrontational times with agents, promoters and even road-crew members and very occasionally amongst the band. Our political / philosophical position and individuality some times created a “them and us” culture which some times produced conflict and confrontational behaviour. We always argued our corner quite well.
Very occasionally there are still situations when the ire of the band is evoked such as in the case of the recent debacle over the cancelled free concert with Mr Terry Rawlings, at Filthy’s in Twickenham, last September. At times like these there is no division between us and we act in concert. The combined power of the fully concentrated and pissed off EBB and friends ( we have friends in low places ) is a force to be reckoned with and collectively we have a long memory. Still, we are a peace loving crew though I admit some transgressors may carry the odd psychological scar. We have frightened some.
I can say with certainty that it is so much easier to turn some one off than on and that no amount of raising of voices and shaking of fists is a substitute for good, reasoned discussion. I earnestly implore any one who ever feels the need to physically lash out at a person to make your exit – Don’t be there! It is rarely necessary and there is rarely a defence for such acts.
It seems to me that I have learned some of my lessons quite well, overturning what might have other wise have been entrenched behaviour from an early age and a tendency towards aggression as a way of negotiating. We should all try to limit our actions that tend towards a violent style no matter how low level it might seem. I suggest if we are to be judged it might be reasoned that we might fall or stand by the harm we have done not the good. I hope this is the case for many political leaders.
I do believe there are historical precedents for justified political violence. I wish it were otherwise. It is probaly true that what ever your view on Fidel Castro et al, had they not liberated Cuba it would still be a US sponsored haven for gangsters and their political mates. If the ANC had renounced armed struggle there might still be apartheid.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
The road is in my blood. I am never happier than when the miles are rolling past as I set out on some new expedition. A couple of years ago I set out on an very special adventure with a friend. We drove from his home in Anglia and headed west towards the lands of my birth in the midlands. We planned to drive through the gardens of the west in and around Evesham and on to Wales via Symonds Yat in Herefordshire, a small town built on and in the gorge with the great River Whye running through it. We had driven through Warwick , my home town and nearby Stratford Upon Avon. We stayed in Evesham for one night and fished the nearby river for pike and perch. The next day we experienced the most extreme storm which stopped the traffic dead. When the storm cleared we spent the rest of the afternoon exploring Symonds Yat and casting a few lures.
Much later we passed through Swansea and into the Gower Peninsula. Bass fishing on the spectacular beach at Rhossili was my kind of Valhalla. Here I could imagine dragon headed long boats in the boiling surf, storm washed down from aborted landings on the east Anglian coast. Much of our journey had taken us through countryside very familiar to me and for my friend it was a chance to see where I came from. When we were in the vicinity of my home town I had ridden most of the roads on a bicycle with my father. We passed through what people call Shakespeare’s country. I am always impressed by the miles of thousands of hard wood trees in Warwickshire that give the whole countryside a vista like no where else I have been. I felt a great sense of nostalgia bubbling up with childhood memories. When I was young we travelled as a family all over and often drove out to places like Symonds Yat for the day. We were out most weekends on a series of motorbikes and sidecars all through my childhood years. Eventually we had a car which was acquired mostly for moving band equipment in the very early days of the EBB.
While other kids on the estate stayed mostly at home during summer holidays we were always headed west to Devon and or Cornwall for what was known as the Coventry fortnight. This was two weeks paid holiday for the local car workers and other factory workers which supplied and supported the car industry based in Coventry. I remember the excitement and happy chaos on a Friday tea time when the first task was getting all of the luggage for Mom and Dad and Steve and myself on a motor bike and side car. This had to keep us all going for two weeks under canvas. I hardly remember a summer holiday when we didn’t set out on these great and wonderful family expeditions to the west country. I remember a particular fish and chip shop in Bristol. We stopped there for food, usually just before the shop closed. Steve and I used to count cars and trucks on the way down, there were so few of them. Imagine trying to occupy the kids by getting them to count cars today.
We often arrived as a summer dawn broke on the western shores of places like Westward Hoe or Ilfracombe. The tent would be set up and as little kids we would be tucked up in our sleeping bags and would soon fall asleep, often with the sounds of surf in our ears and dream of playing on a golden beach. They were glorious days interspersed with minor setbacks and Mom and Dad getting soaked to the skin on return journeys. Occasionally the odd break down left just enough cash to make the return journey. I assumethis was the time when I developed “road lust”. I became a travel addict and later, being in a band catered for this perfectly as it did for my addiction for performing (showing off as Mom used to call it).
I still get those butterflies and feel the thrall of expectation just before an expedition down some road or another. I especially like night journeys and while I love good weather I love the grey wet days and brooding skies as the miles roll by.
Perhaps there is some gypsy in me. In any event I have to roam every now and then in order to feel foot lose and free. I have been on some wonderful camping and cycling days out with family and many good friends like Ramblin’ who is the perfect travel companion, as are all members of the EBB. The EBB once camped out in the snow during a stage of a tour of Norway. The constraints of modern living seem to limit the possibilities to indulge in as much roaming as I would like so I have learned, albeit grudgingly, to make the best of even a short expedition if the company is good and we can retain a child like enthusiasm for the coming adventure. It is always good to travel the high ways, tread the rolling hills, walk the banks of silver streams and to know these wonderful lands. On a lovely day like today I muse over the thought that now is time to hit the road perchance to run away and lose myself in a great adventure. I hesitate to evoke the old adage – never put off until tomorrow that which can be done to day - though it comes to mind. One of these days ………
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Saturday, 6 October 2007

Is it totally naive to expect the UN to ever get it approximately right and in a timely fashion? So often the UN gives the impression of being weak and indecisive which will always encourage tyrants such as Burma's military leader Than Shwe and the thug of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.
African diplomats presented a united front to support Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's presence at an upcoming EU-Africa summit despite strong European reservations. Gordon Brown opposed it. An official from the African Union's Peace and Security Committee said "We resort to interference only in extreme cases of violence or genocide."
Zimbabwe army and secret police officers overseeing food aid distribution are denying food to hungry opposition supporters as punishment for not backing President Mugabe and his ruling ZANU PF party. Surely to deny people their right to food is a very extreme form of violence. How extreme does the violence have to be before Mugabe is brought to book for his crimes against his own people? Would it be different if he was also denying the rest of the world access to large reserves of crude oil?
Yesterday, in the UK two fourteen year old males were sentenced to serve a minimum of twelve years for murdering a partially sighted man in the street. They beat and kicked him to death for fun. When told by police that the man had died one of the youngsters said he wasn’t bothered. I’m very bothered.
The murdered man had already given up carrying a white stick because his experience in the streets told him it sent the message to predatory youngsters, such as his killers, that he was vulnerable and unable to defend himself against abuse.
Government must address the rising level of unprovoked violence. Perhaps we need A WAR ON DEPRIVATION of all kinds , the root cause of all kinds of terrorism.
Mean while if young people take any interest in " the news" both good and bad, they will quickly learn that the people who govern us and have influence on the world stage seem to only want to intervene abroad when it is economically advantageous. They will also learn from TV news footage that brutality can be employed in the name of law and order, democracy , national security etc. The list grows every day according to NGO s such as Amnesty International. It would seem the need for democracy in countries that meet intervention criteria is so great that the Iraq war might run and run in spite of announcements about troop withdrawals and peoples disillusionment , on both sides of the Atlantic. Even the people who supported the war from the beginning must realise the so called Alliance can not win the war for hearts and minds in Iraq. How could they ever think they could? Democracy?
If you google “good news” one of your options is a Bible bashers site called Good News, another is SKY NEWS. Below is a list of items as a result of typing the words “good news” on the Sky News search engine.
· 1. Good News For Farmers: EU To Lift Export Ban
Britain will be allowed to export live animals, meat and dairy from this Saturday.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 23/08/07
· 2. Tired Of Rain? Heres Some Good News
It may seem like summer has gone missing so far this year - but there is good news on the horizon.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 31/07/07
· 3. Good News As Reuters Earnings Rise
Media group Reuters revealed higher-than-expected profits for its first half, and said sales were strong.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 27/07/07
· 4. Good News For Tourists As Pound Surges
At last, there is some good news for holiday makers and others travelling abroad to countries using the dollar.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 03/07/07
· 5. Groups Welcome Energy Price Cuts
Consumer groups say they are delighted that British Gas has decided to cut its domestic prices.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 08/02/07
· 6. Good News For Booze Cruises
The Treasury will be breathing a sigh of relief after the EUs top court ruled shoppers must pay domestic duties when having goods delivered from the continent. It...
Relevance 95% Last Modified 23/11/06
· 7. No Nudes Is Good News For Britons
Nudity in public is the greatest modern taboo, according to a survey. Almost two out of five (37%) people placed nakedness at the top of a list of unacceptable public...
Relevance 95% Last Modified 25/10/06
· 8. Good News As Archive Sold
Reuters saw a 4.6% gain in third-quarter revenue, up to £631m from £611m for the same time last year. That was its strongest net sales so far this year.
Sad isn’t it? So come on folks tell us your good news.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Monday, 1 October 2007
The above pic was taken on my phone on the way to the Bilston gig which now seems an age ago. The day was bleak and made all the more so by the first indication that the free gig, scheduled for Friday in Twickenham, was cancelled by the promoter. We were all appalled at the idea that some of you might travel to Twickenham to the Friday gig. We tried to let as many people know through the site but I know of quite a few people who missed the announcement and made the journey. It was in the end just another day in the life of the EBB but it did have an effect on the EBB mood over the couple of days we were away. News like that is surprisingly deflating. It isn’t as though we have never had set backs, far from it, but I still hate those kind of surprises. Still, a band like ours is a fortunate beast. We all have a deep mutual respect for each and abiding concern for the well being of all of us. This carries us through such set backs and as the old saying goes “ the show must go on”. I have to tell you that from time to time our experience tell us that this is not always the case and there must be limits to exposure to emotional stress that might be avoided. In spite of this the highs, both social and musical, have sustained this band since we first got together again a couple of years ago and still do so. In spite of our seemingly very occasional forays out on the road we have played a lot of gigs and it shows on stage. There is a solid commitment from every member of the EBB to strive for a better standard and if it were not for this there would be times when life in the EBB would be extremely irksome. On the road there is always the chance of a pleasant surprise and my thanks must go to the guys from Anglesey, at the Bilston gig, who offered me a days offshore bass fishing trip when I am next in the area. Where’s me rod? I will take you up on that guys.
We all got together at Steve’s a couple of nights a go for a band meeting. After a long session we have begun to establish the seeds of our plan for the coming winter and 2008 but it still needs a lot of work and that is just the plan. The main priority is to make a new album. This looks like being a home made album and I truly believe there is no reason to think it won’t be our best. Wouldn’t that be nice? It would be a coup We have to find the best way to plan and execute this in the most effective and economically viable way. We discussed improving the web site, merchandising and sketched out future plans for publicising it all. I am always pleased to find that you and the people who support us are never off the agenda at band meetings. In this respect nothing has changed.
We have rehearsals scheduled for the next UK gigs coming up and expect to add one or maybe two news songs for those shows. We’ll have a publicist on board as well so that should be of great help.
Thanks to every one for the motley array of photographs you have sent us in the past few months. Some of them are very good and we will be adding new photos including some of yours to the site. There is the first hint of an autumn chill in the evenings and I fear my “Indian summer” will not materialise though, it still might be one of late 2007's surprises. Some how summer escaped me this year for the most part but so far, I have really enjoyed this year with all it’s ups and downs. For me being in the EBB is still a privilege and a source of pride and I thank you for your continued support.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Friday, 14 September 2007

I have a new song or three in the pipe- line which I have been writing over the past couple of weeks or so. Time to drop some golden oldies and seed the thing with fresh material and new ideas.It will take time.
Over the past months I have had some time to engage in some very interesting email communications with many of you folk out there from all over the world. I am compiling a list of all those who have contacted us since we parted company with Eclectic. If you tried to contact us through them in the past and have had no joy please try once more using the new address on the EBB site. We are hoping to sort out our merchandising soon so keep looking out on the site for details.
Every once in a blue moon some one asks me to collaborate with them on a musical project. I am looking at working on a new piece with Terry Welbourne and The Sons Of TC Lethbridge. It as an interesting thing they do with spoken words over guitar based music. Me old mate Wolfgang Mirbach is threatening to begin work on some stuff which he want’s me to work with. I am more discriminating about what I do these days so I am quite selective about what I will do. So, more industrial mayhem and less why jazz mate, if you please.
Most of the people I would work with are usually very interesting and broke so I expect to have an interesting time but I don’t expect to make much money from such work. All these guys have one thing in common in so far as they are all on “soon come” time as they say in the West Indies. It happens when it happens.
Just got around to watching The ICEBURG DVD - Cool ! Well done Tony and Deke and co.
I am trying to get some work started in local libraries, as part of my job brief with young people, that might include young people recording the memories of older people who have seen the local changes over a long time. I think it would be a good way to foster a better understanding between different community groups and produce a history archive of local interest. So, things are quite busy with an interesting range of potentially positive out comes. There is so much to do and so little time to to do it. It seems that the older I get the less able I am to handle the stresses and pressures of metro life and some of the absurdities that it entails. I have been wondering what it must be like for the McCann girl's parents. I have no idea what life is like for people in such trouble? I am not very good at blessing counting when I am vexed or disappointed and I can growl quite effectively when provoked but for the most part my life has been blessed with good things and little or no real tragedy. Some of the good things have been so good that it would be extremely churlish of me to complain with any conviction.
Summer of 2007 is coming to an end with some nice weather. September seems warmer every year regardless of what happens earlier in the summer. Enjoy it while you can. Who knows what lies ahead? I hope for all of you it is good things. Looking forward to seeing some of you at the shows next week.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Lo, smee gen. Finds nother leter fra olde chest box wi goldy andle un shine uns. Wonders wha is ee bee doin out there a Taniul while her waits. Was gud gel a luv eem und ee same luvs her. Muss bin gud luvs though sum sad liken fuh all an we. Smee pinyun thas but won chance a tek it while is before yee. Wees who esitatin be do our sen doon though tis ard be a strongen at times a matter. Tis a bold ting ta speek of - be brave when tis not thee be do it. Sez they faint heart neer wins fair lady. Wish I was fair n comely but tis not ta be. Still I knows - out there is some one body luv fuh all a we. Tis a luvey ting ta muse on. Mee wonders did they ever mek theys way ta the far orf sway. I moight finds more leters. Sez what did tranzpyre
Dearest Beloved
I hope this finds you well.
Still know I am caught twixt lines beyond where I had meant to venture – happily ensnared for my own real good is why my heart is full and hopeful and well entwined with thine - I long to converse with you, to share and play silly games, to make food for you and most, to be true to us in love and life with robust and splendid imagination.
As I sit here with my back to the southern acres I think of you alone by a salt spray blown off our beloved coves and sea side pines – will you be thinking of me and silver bars dancing in the foaming tide as these momentous days pass by? A butterfly drifts in this balmy air which is filled with the scent of exotic flowers that exude the finest fragrances. The butterfly turns to the fire light and it’s fatal attraction but a cool breeze blows her safe away and I am shocked at the strength of my relief – I have become kinder by knowing you
I want to walk with you underneath the green canopy of a summer forest and to feel your skin as, hand in hand, our arms touch lightly as we go together down a flower strewn path. I shiver thinking of the day I will come to you with heart racing to feel you close and then – to wrap you up and never want to let you go or ever say good bye.
We'll sit together quiet. I will watch the light off water reflected in your eyes , see your smiling, happy face and know you again. I miss your girlish laughter. If sister of mine you had been I would have loved it so – though glad am I now, you are my lover fine and wise.
If all goes well I shall soon be on my journey home to you and all I hope for – if winds set fair and well rigged we are, so shall the speed of my travel be all the better.
Here I have seen things that none have told and I have felt more for you than any other. I have found you in profound dreams and understood what I must be where before I wandered aimlessly. Let it be that we shall guide and love each other so – forever.
As you know I am bidden not to reveal my work here and so shall tell you nought save that I love you with all my being and send you my fondest hopes and wishes
Your devoted servant
at the Taniul Spur
Copyright edgar broughton 2007
Friday, 24 August 2007
If any one deserves credit and acknowledgement for exposing the real enemies of democracy John Pilger journalist and film maker must be a prime candidate. I have admired his measured and eloquent works for many years. I can’t say I have enjoyed his work but that is not the intention. I watched his film The War On Democracy on ITV a couple of evenings ago. This looked back at American intervention in the affairs of South American countries since 1950. The usual ex CIA boss suspects were interviewed and none saw any thing wrong with trying to overturn democratically elected governments in fact one Pentagon pig tried to say that the stories of thousands being tortured and killed in El Salvador were propaganda. “ Name me 200” he challenged. Interestingly one of the CIA filth interviewed by Pilger actually said that his brief was “ to co-ordinate the terrorising of any family member or supporter of Salvador Allende who later was ousted by Pinochet’s fascists in Chile. All of the interviewed US criminals waged a war of terror on democratically elected government. Most of us have grown up with this piratical style of US foreign policy The most disturbing case of US intervention cited in Pilger’s chronology of these crimes is US support and collusion with opponents of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela right now. Bush has denounced Hugo Chavez “ in the interests of national security”. On the other hand London mayor Ken Livingstone has negotiated a deal for oil for London buses which will allow people at the bottom end of the income scale to travel half price. The oil will come from Venezuela and provide them with 75 million a year. Nice one Ken! It might be a small thing but it is an intelligent one. It might be a while before we can fairly evaluate Hugo Chavez's performance. This will be especially true if the US continue to actively support his opponents but in the mean time we know that Bush is the most dangerous man on the planet.
The recent ride by shooting of the eleven-year old has evoked an increasingly familiar horror in all of us. Tonight the police are mystified as to why so few people have come forward to give information. They should know it is because they promise much but offer little or no protection to witnesses. In my opinion no amount of government tinkering can address the issues around gun crime and the wasting of so many of our youth. Tinkering is what governments do. It is time for a new way forward. Enough is enough. This is not a policing budget issue, a judicial sentencing review issue or an adjustment in the way agencies like Connexions or Social Services operate. It is about healing a deep wound at the heart of the culture of our society. This society does not love it’s children half as much as it professes and we have to begin the exploration and adjustment of that. Every week a child is killed by a parent or parents. A record number of children was murdered in Britain last year. New Home Office figures show a total of 143 children and teenagers were unlawfully killed, a rise of more than 40 per cent on the previous 12 months.
I have been enjoying my new job and meeting new young people I will be working with after the summer holidays. I’m planning some IT, audio / visual media work shops and guitar tuition as well as work shops around working with boys and young men. It should be a decent menu of activities after a week or so of planning. We took a group to see Stomp in the west end yesterday. It was one hour and forty five minutes long and too long by forty five minutes in my opinion. It is very clever but sonically tiring after a while. Still worth a look if you have never seen it. Luke and his girl friend have headed off for the Leeds incarnation of Reading festival so we hope the weather holds. They were well kitted out so all should be well.
Still on the subject of being well kitted out my hot tip for an advance family Christmas present is - a family size rubber boat with electric engine, two sets of paddles, water purifying tablets, twenty pounds of dried foods, fishing tackle, and a wind up torch and radio. The overground and underground resevoirs are at bursting point and the weather gurus are forecasting a wet Autumn and Winter.
On a more positive note I have been learning my songs in readiness for upcoming rehearsals. I do forget them. Luke finds it surprising and tedious at times but he can always put me right when I forget a part. Art is quite good at this also. So, I have decided to hone up especially on the newer songs hoping to show you a couple of new things in the next shows. It has been a while since the German festival in the rain so it will be good to get back together with the guys and get on the road for a few days.
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Saturday, last in Suffolk – I caught a little pike here just as the sun was fading. A nearby local authority is obviously still diverting excessive amounts of water in spite of the recent down pours. If no one fished these waters I don’t believe a single voice would be raised for the fish. I am thinking of the current state of this river as another example of the insidious way that corporate bodies in both the public and private sectors spoil our habitat. I don’t suppose that many of the hundreds of ramblers who walk the banks of this water see the decline in the water. Why would they? Two miles down stream from where the photograph was taken is the famous Flatford mill, depicted by Constable. The light here is wonderful and magical in the evenings. I have never seen any thing quite like it anywhere else. The skies are almost always, immense and beautiful. No wonder Constable loved to paint here.
Bartholomew Gosnold was born in Grundisburgh, Suffolk in 1571. Bartholomew made his first voyage to the New World in a tiny ship called Concord; it was on this voyage that he named Cape Cod and, further south, found a single small island which, in memory of his little daughter, he named Martha’s Vineyard. After obtaining a charter from King James 1 in 1604 for a ‘Virginia Company’ to settle Virginia, Bartholomew began putting together another expedition and, in 1606, he sailed as second-in-command of a fleet of three ships - Discovery, Susan Constant and his own ship, Godspeed. They landed on May 13th 1607 and named their settlement Jamestown in honour of the king. Many settlers died, including Bartholomew
himself, who died of dysentery in August of that year. Thanks to Bartholomew Gosnold and other brave adventurers Jamestown and other settlements were established and in future years others would come with their families and build on those foundations to make the USA into the country it is today. Little could they have known of the awesomely negative impact their decendants and allies would unleash on the world in our time, in the name of democracy.
As I write this I am hearing news of a savage car bombing that has taken place in Iraq. The death toll and injured list is appalling and it seems that things are escalating down hill at a fantastic pace. No one seems to have much control over any thing. Recently I saw coverage of a Government seminar on how to de radicalise young Muslims. Through out the entire proceedings Government foreign policy was never suggested as a possible cause for radicalisation of young Muslims. While this colonial idea of self-righteousness prevails we will see no peace.
Finally – back to the state of our habitat. On Sunday, all being well, Ramblin’ and I plan to ride out to the Climate Camp at Heathrow Airport. We feel the First Supperists should be represented and there can surely be no better way to arrive there than by bicycle. See you there ?
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Tuesday, 7 August 2007

With his usual attention to detail Dave has arrived at the following judgement of the competition.
The shortlist:
Soldiers of the light - karmel
a definite possibility as a title track, very astute karmel, you're a soldier in the same light as the rest of us and we would never send you to war.
These are the days (if it wins give the cd to the lad who had a disagreement about the seat belt!) tony
i like the sentiment tony!
"The First Supper".- adrian
sometimes the most obvious is the obvious choice, it is a wise man who makes the obvious choice but still..... i will pick something else
FOR THOSE WHO CARE.. - Michael a Joyce you deserve something Michael for the most entries.... if those who cared were as persistent as you then the world would be a better place
The longlist:
North South East West Side Story -nobby smithstein
interesting perspective
'5 minds ago' -seem paul
too retrospective but i do like it, just 2 minds ago you might have wonStill dreaming.Still scheming - dr.h
indeed, we are... time to wake up v.soon
'Special relationship' - adelita
nice idea but sounds like a recipe for disaster
'Time to build The Ark' - ramblinmad
steve's already made one out of 5mm mdf
Dave Cox - Guitar Genius! - shoreham steve
'THIS is Dave Cox' (with special guests) - mario brega
both worthy of another mention!
On another day
perhaps yesterday or tomorrow
i would pick one of the titles
that held my own name in the greatest glory
but what counts, is not what you did yesterday
or will do tomorrow
it is those selfless acts
that we do today that make the difference
it doesn't matter what you did
or what you're gonna do tomorrow
its what you do
soldiers of the light
for those who care
these are the days
my winner: "these are the days" (for selfless acts)
Tony email me your postal address and I'll send you the CD. Thanks to every one else for their creative suggestions.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Monday, 30 July 2007
Most of you will know some thing of the story of M ( his name is not Mohamed) and some of you have contributed to his "escape" and security. He is safe and accomodated and has his own personal key worker to assist him on his way through the labyrinth of procedures towards finding a permanent home. Mean while he is in good spirits although he has , understandably been through some tough days. His benefits are now arranged and so yesterday I gave him the last of the money you gave and he gave me the written note below. First Supperists be proud.
Words can not really express how thankful I am to each and every one of you.
Firstly I would like to say thank you very much for your help. I hope I get the chance one day, hopefully, to thank you face to face.
Secondly I was very surprised that theres so many good people out there that are ready to help even tho you don’t really know me, you still help me and I am very thankful.
Thirdly I just really want to say may God give love peace and sympathy on all of us.
Competition ends on Monday 6th August at midnight.

I have begun working with some of the young people I will be working with in my new post. We spent an afternoon picking fruit and veg in the rain ( Yes! I know ) on a farm just outside London. I had forgotten how loud it can be in a minibus full of 14 – 16 year olds.. It was great to see their enthusiasm and see the way they interact with each other. Next day was spent cooking Caribbean food with some of the veg and fruit. They made jerk chicken, rice and sweet corn, plantain and lamb. Delicious! I made a few new friends and had a little disagreement with a lad about wearing his seat belt so we’ll have to see how that proceeds. I am surprised at the diversity of the work I will cover in my new position and there is lot’s of scope for new ideas and projects. Mean while it’s all about the summer, such as it is, so we are mostly out and about taking part in a wide range of fun things. I’m looking forward to the boating next week.
I just watched Brown and Bush speaking about the “ special relationship” in respect of the “ the war against terrorism”. If ever a man sounded like his brain was starved of oxygen it is Bush. He made our Gordon sound like a supreme communicator. Brown also had the better suit in my opinion so there! Bush is a dangerous fool and this piece of television proves it. It must be his single worst attempt at addressing the world. He bumbled and fumbled for some thing cogent to say and never managed it for more than a second or so. I suspect the “special relationship” will change quite considerably over coming months. Brown hinted at a desire to step back and take more of a supervisory role. Four more Brit soldiers died in the past week so it cannot go on like this surely? During the first world war it was suggested that a good way to end things would be to stage a Queensbury rules boxing match between the leaders of both sides. This was alluded to in the Frankie Goes to Hollywood epic Two Tribes. Today we could send our leaders to the desert for a survival type reality show. We could vote for who is going to get out alive. The participants would have to learn to live with failing equipment, unsuitable supplies and dodgy compasses.
I managed to get out on the bike on Saturday for a quick tour of the east end of London and docklands. I rode about 30 miles so it was quite useful. I have decided that it is far better to get out and ride the bike rather than sit glued to TV coverage of the infamous Tour De France. I will say that it is now that the “old doping guard" of the TDF should move on and away and leave things in the hands of the great, young and clean riders coming through. I think a life ban should be the penalty for all sport cheats at this level. I am still gutted by what took place this year. Bradley Wiggins Brit bike hero said “ I had a dream as a kid to ride in the Tour De France. Some riders in the peloton (all the riders) have pissed on that dream”. Nuff said.
The EBB is making plans for recording and for the autumn gigs. We are currently looking for a new place to rehearse and record. We had been rehearsing at my last place of work and we are going to miss it. If any one knows of suitable premises in the London area please let me know. There will be a few overdue changes on the site soon and we have changed the contact address to one that works.
The EBB album Inside Out had “one of the most innovative sleeves of it’s time”. SOUNDS
For those who have never seen it the sleeve was a card board creation that folded and turned in on itself in a way that is difficult to describe unless you have the thing in your hand. The title described both the sleeve and the view point of some of the songs. For me personally the time spent during the rehearsing and recording was a little inside out. I was a bit confused and probably a little lost, if I am honest. Any way – there is a copy of the re – mastered CD Inside Out for the best suggested title for the next and NEW EBB album. I am not saying we will use it but you never know. Same rules as usual. Make as many entries as you like in the comments section of this post under different names. If you win you can email me your postal details and it’s yours. The competition will be judged by Dave Cox.
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Monday, 23 July 2007
You have probably heard the announcement that tells you YOUR UNATTENDED LUGGAGE WILL BE TAKEN AWAY AND DESTROYED. The picture above was taken at Heathrow airport on our arrival back from our Germany trip at the weekend.
I think the chronology of events leading up to and after our appearance at the Burg Herzberg Festival might be of some interest.
Monday we get a call from our road manager to say he cannot come to Germany because his partner’s father has passed away. We call another guy we know and think we have solved that problem but later we learn we cannot transfer the airline ticket etc, etc.
Friday 11.30 set off to arrive at Heathrow Airport in the middle of torrential rain to catch a 3.30 flight. On the way the water in the road was as high or higher than curb of the pavements. The passing of traffic washed this water into gardens and even doorways as the down pour let rip. On the Cromwell road we saw tarmac lifted by the pressure of running rainwater. There were no pedestrians anywhere.
Get to the airport to find the tunnel flooded. Two fire engines were pumping it out. After twenty minutes we were able to drive in to the airport. Flights were being cancelled every few minutes. Apparently eleven planes were struck by lightening during the thunderstorm. We met up with two of our mates from Man who had been into the departure lounge twice only to have to check in for a new flight due to cancellations.
Chris Farlowe who had been there since nine had got himself on a 4.45 flight. That was cancelled. In the end he and his guys set off to catch the Euro Star Train from Waterloo.
Bob and George from Man have to drive back to Swansea because they are supposed to be on stage at 1am and won’t be able to get there. The promoter can’t re schedule so that’s the end of their gig. Josh from Man has already driven their gear from Swansea to Frankfurt and he is already there with Martin his dad, the bass player.
All flights to Frankfurt are cancelled.
We all drive back to London.
5.45 get up to get back to airport for 11.30 flight to Dusseldorf.
Arrive at airport to find chaos. We “experience” an accident with a luggage trolley.
On this I will make no further comment. A stroppy policeman interviews two of the guys.
We get on our plane and set off for Dusseldorf where we arrive on time. The drive from there to the festival is roughly equivalent to London to Manchester. A guy called Dietmar who turns out to be a diamond meets us.
Some time down the road Dietmar gets a call from the promoter telling him we have to go straight to the festival. The message back is “ we are going to the hotel first”. The promoter eventually speaks with Steve who explains what has happened and that we will be available by 5.30 may be 6. We were originally scheduled for 5pm. Promoter says, “we’ll have to shorten set list”. We say, “Can’t be done”. The rain still pours down. We are depressed. We decide having come this far we’ll go straight to festival site. Promoter says, “If we are not there by 4.15 he’ll pull our show. We are fuming now.
Rain is bad and looks like getting worse. The drive is horrendous.We eventually arrive at the festival at 4.45pm. Decide to give it our best. It is agreed we will go on stage at 6.45. The skies look ominous and brooding.
Meet up with Barry who is our onstage road manger for the day. He gets stuck in. Between us we manage to get things working and just have time to get stage clothes on and get tuned up before we start. One of my hired Marshall amps refuses to co-operate. I switch it off. The crowd is warm and friendly. Their greeting is up lifting.
We start with Evening over rooftops. The sun nods then disappears. The sunset green and black was the light to play some songs by. A steady drizzle comes again. We play on. The on stage mixer is almost engulfed in a sheet of water running off the plastic sheets protecting the onstage mixing guy. He exchanges a relieved look with Steve. We play on. The on stage sound is awful and Steve can’t hear much at all. I listen for the bass drum as we drive through the set. We all make odd little mistakes which don’t spoil things much though the break between Moth and Why can’t somebody love me is bizarre jazz but we get through. The rain pours heavily. The crowd stands and we try to deliver. Our German tour manager finally signals to Steve – One more song. We thrash through Out Demons Out and say goodbye to the lovely people. Tony from Lincolnshire has stood through it all in the rain in the front row. We don’t get to see him after which was a shame.
We hang out after the show meeting old friends and making new ones. Chris Farlowe goes on with the John Hiseman’s guys in the driving rain and thunder. We all begin to feel for Uriah Heep who are on last.
The storm worsens. I manage to get out into the field to buy some bits and pieces from a lovely Hippy mom and her little boy. The mud deepens. Sonny, Steve and Moni’s lad, is loving every bit of it. He wants to see it all. That is probably because he is getting to be a decent guitarist and drummer AND the EBB is the best band in the world.
After a long time socialising and talking business it is decided by all it is time to go to the hotel which we do. When I finally drag my guitars and bag to room 201 I find the room is as the last occupant left it. I go back down stairs to get new keys and I change rooms. Later the guys sitting around a table in the deserted dining room look shell shocked. We have some teas, brandy and coffee then we retire.
In the morning we all set off at 11 to get to Frankfurt airport.
On the motorway Dietmar notices a scrape down the side of the hired vehicle. We have no recollection of this so we assume it happened when we were not around.
We arrive at the airport. We stop where we can to unload but have our front wheels over a line so we get a parking ticket.
At the British Airways check in there is only one person dealing with every one. People are jumping the line we are in. It takes forever.
Eventually we check in. There are two ways our luggage is going to the plane. The fragile equipment goes on a trolley and the luggage down a chute. To Luke’s and my horror the woman sends our two rack mounted samplers down the chute. There is a loud bang. Luke protests and she says, “ It doesn’t matter”. We are incredulous. She doesn’t even know what is in it. We haven’t worked up courage to check the samplers yet.
We go through a security check. That is long but o.k.
We walk a half-mile to our plane and – go through an identical security check.
Moni drops a lighter, which explodes making the entire security team flinch.
After ages of waiting around on a hot bus listening to Farlowe’s (nice man) very amusing stories about his old mom, we finally get on our plane followed by the Farlowe guys and the Heep (nice to see you guys after all these years).
When we arrive back at Heathrow the backlog of passengers has it’s own area out side and the baggage is piled, unattended everywhere.
We go through UK control. Dave almost starts an alert by pointing his camera at the guy checking passports. He’s often got a camera in his hand and it looked like he was taking a photo of the security guy. Aaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have to pay an extra chunk of cash to get our vehicles back because we left the long stay car park to come back again the following day (Saturday).
We all say our fond farewells and split up. The family picks up Art. Moni, Steve and Sonny head off home in the car. Luke is met by his girl friend and Dave and I head back to the place where we store our gear.
We arrive after being stuck in traffic to find the place has had water flood in. It’s wet T-shirt time. Dave and I get the gear stowed and go home.
During the weekend a relatives flat was flooded, a colleague has had her flat destroyed when lightening hit the block she lives in.
Our flat had a leak in the roof.
I sit up late catching up with the very enthralling 2007 Tour De France. Wonderful!
This morning I go, under darkening skies, to meet my new line manager in the centre where I will be working with young people. During my induction she shows me the building, gives me keys etc and starts to show me the alarm system. She lowers the security shutters. They won’t go back up – we are locked out in the pouring rain and ………
Is it all worth it? OF COURSE IT IS !
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Sunday, 15 July 2007
I am starting work in a new place from the beginning of next week. The project I manage is being closed as part of a review in the local borough services. I wait with bated breath to see what will develop for me over the next few weeks. I hope it all exceeds my expectations (LOL)
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
All the shadows in our live's
are always from the right
in the centre of despair
you will always find them there
as they go about their business in the gloom
where nothings grows and nothing shines
where nothing flows through open minds
in the gloom
In a corner of my heart
we will never be apart
and in a moment of despair
I will always keep us there
as we go about our business in the bloom
where lovers fly in open skies
where life is born in baby's cries
in the bloom
where lovers fly in open skies
where life is born in baby's cries
where lovers fly in open skies
where life is born in baby's cries
where lovers fly in open skies
where life is born in baby's cries
in the bloom
Sunday, 8 July 2007

This is where my heart is now beside the sea, beside the water at sun up or down. I feel bouyant and almost stress free. My young friend M is safe in a place where he can stay for a while. It is certain that he has avoided the thing he did not want to do. The weather has been changable and the fishing is still poor but this is of little or no consequence as the previously mentioned mission accomplshed flag has gone up in my mind and though M will continue to need support for a while the first major hurdle has been passed.
I was slightly impressed by some of G Brown's stuff the other day though cautious is an understatement regarding any rush to pronounce our new hero has come. I thought Shoreham Steve's comments re the last post were very on the ball. You should make a regular thing of it mate. You have the gift. Actually I was thinking at the time of reading Steve's comments that many First Supperists are very articulate and amusing at the same time. In fact there are a few good comedians out there. I've always enjoyed a good laugh and this blog certainly attracts some very dry and amusing writings. I thank you all for that.
I managed to catch some of the Tour De France prologue Time Trial on TV. It was great to see those top guys racing through the streets of London, my home town. I hope that this year will see a drug scandal free tour. It would be a welcome change.
It's back to rehearsing with the EBB next weekend so I am going to sign off now and enjoy another wonderful sun set in Suffolk skies and chill for the last hours of my weekend in the countryside.
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Monday, 2 July 2007

The weekends rehearsals were primarily about the scheduled show at Burg Hertzburg Festival towards the end of this month and they went like clock work. Our previous couple of rehearsals were all about new songs and they went very well. It was fun for Luke and I to try out songs with the band that we have been living with for some time. In the case of some songs it has been years. It feels as though we have written some potentially special material with which to make a new album. It has been a long time coming but it will be worth the wait.
Thank you to all of the people who have offered to help with the Mohammed project. We have received offers of transport, accomodation and enough cash to keep M afloat for a while which is wonderful. Thanks to all for your support. We may be a very small ( active) community but perhaps we can begin to make a small but vital and positive difference that flies in the face of apathy and statutory incompetence.
The weather has conspired to prevent me from doing much fishing and there has been little or no time at the weekends as this is when the EBB rehearse and develop ideas. As much as I like being by water I do feel so very sorry for the people flooded out in the past days. I have estimated that during the worst global warming made London flooding my home should be just about left high and dry. A quality flat bottomed aluminium boat will be just the job for local travel as the water laps half way up the hill I live on in Battersea. This scenario will become actual if the Thames Barrier breaks down during a high flood tide. Experts think this is quite likely to happen at some point in the not too distant future.
It was clear from the expression on Gordon Browns face after the recent London and Glasgow bomb incidents that he is has faced a baptism of fire from day one. It is early days but it will be interesting to see just where he is really going with some of his thinking around the big issues.
Brian Ferry and Will Young unlikely high lights of Princess Di Wembley bash ? What a strange mix that was. I couldn't bare to watch it all. Doesn't Sir Elton go on a bit? You could read an entire First Supper post and make a comment in the comments section during one of his refrains. I drift off after a couple of songs.
Fags in public? No more smoking in public places is a good thing in my opinion and the opinion of most people I know but is it possible we are contriving more laws that can be enforced? I cite driving and drinking, cycling on the pavement, driving while using a mobile phone as extremely dangerous practices which are still epedemic. People will not comply with laws they don't support if they cannot be adequately enforced.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
I have decided for security reasons to remove the narrative back ground to this post. At this time it is the very small list of code names below that is "the rock" of this project. While many espouse good intentions it is usually left to the few to carry the load. No surprises there then! So, thank you to the people who have already given cash or pledged to do so. Some one has offered to provide transport. Some one has offered to accomodate M for a week. Any more for any more ? Will the following code names and any one else wanting to ASSIST please contact me by email at I will email you with the latest information re the situation and how to send your donation.
so tired
the dogs dad
Ade the Sage
Thank you !
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007