Most of you will know some thing of the story of M ( his name is not Mohamed) and some of you have contributed to his "escape" and security. He is safe and accomodated and has his own personal key worker to assist him on his way through the labyrinth of procedures towards finding a permanent home. Mean while he is in good spirits although he has , understandably been through some tough days. His benefits are now arranged and so yesterday I gave him the last of the money you gave and he gave me the written note below. First Supperists be proud.
Words can not really express how thankful I am to each and every one of you.
Firstly I would like to say thank you very much for your help. I hope I get the chance one day, hopefully, to thank you face to face.
Secondly I was very surprised that theres so many good people out there that are ready to help even tho you don’t really know me, you still help me and I am very thankful.
Thirdly I just really want to say may God give love peace and sympathy on all of us.
Competition ends on Monday 6th August at midnight.

I have begun working with some of the young people I will be working with in my new post. We spent an afternoon picking fruit and veg in the rain ( Yes! I know ) on a farm just outside London. I had forgotten how loud it can be in a minibus full of 14 – 16 year olds.. It was great to see their enthusiasm and see the way they interact with each other. Next day was spent cooking Caribbean food with some of the veg and fruit. They made jerk chicken, rice and sweet corn, plantain and lamb. Delicious! I made a few new friends and had a little disagreement with a lad about wearing his seat belt so we’ll have to see how that proceeds. I am surprised at the diversity of the work I will cover in my new position and there is lot’s of scope for new ideas and projects. Mean while it’s all about the summer, such as it is, so we are mostly out and about taking part in a wide range of fun things. I’m looking forward to the boating next week.
I just watched Brown and Bush speaking about the “ special relationship” in respect of the “ the war against terrorism”. If ever a man sounded like his brain was starved of oxygen it is Bush. He made our Gordon sound like a supreme communicator. Brown also had the better suit in my opinion so there! Bush is a dangerous fool and this piece of television proves it. It must be his single worst attempt at addressing the world. He bumbled and fumbled for some thing cogent to say and never managed it for more than a second or so. I suspect the “special relationship” will change quite considerably over coming months. Brown hinted at a desire to step back and take more of a supervisory role. Four more Brit soldiers died in the past week so it cannot go on like this surely? During the first world war it was suggested that a good way to end things would be to stage a Queensbury rules boxing match between the leaders of both sides. This was alluded to in the Frankie Goes to Hollywood epic Two Tribes. Today we could send our leaders to the desert for a survival type reality show. We could vote for who is going to get out alive. The participants would have to learn to live with failing equipment, unsuitable supplies and dodgy compasses.
I managed to get out on the bike on Saturday for a quick tour of the east end of London and docklands. I rode about 30 miles so it was quite useful. I have decided that it is far better to get out and ride the bike rather than sit glued to TV coverage of the infamous Tour De France. I will say that it is now that the “old doping guard" of the TDF should move on and away and leave things in the hands of the great, young and clean riders coming through. I think a life ban should be the penalty for all sport cheats at this level. I am still gutted by what took place this year. Bradley Wiggins Brit bike hero said “ I had a dream as a kid to ride in the Tour De France. Some riders in the peloton (all the riders) have pissed on that dream”. Nuff said.
The EBB is making plans for recording and for the autumn gigs. We are currently looking for a new place to rehearse and record. We had been rehearsing at my last place of work and we are going to miss it. If any one knows of suitable premises in the London area please let me know. There will be a few overdue changes on the site soon and we have changed the contact address to one that works.
The EBB album Inside Out had “one of the most innovative sleeves of it’s time”. SOUNDS
For those who have never seen it the sleeve was a card board creation that folded and turned in on itself in a way that is difficult to describe unless you have the thing in your hand. The title described both the sleeve and the view point of some of the songs. For me personally the time spent during the rehearsing and recording was a little inside out. I was a bit confused and probably a little lost, if I am honest. Any way – there is a copy of the re – mastered CD Inside Out for the best suggested title for the next and NEW EBB album. I am not saying we will use it but you never know. Same rules as usual. Make as many entries as you like in the comments section of this post under different names. If you win you can email me your postal details and it’s yours. The competition will be judged by Dave Cox.
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2007