Friday, 12 September 2014

at Tim's party

Galadriel - Tim - your's truly

People ask me for impossible things sometimes and sometimes I tell people that some thing I don't want to do is impossible. A little bit naughty but better to do that than to offend. Some time ago Galadriel Potter asked me to play a FDPFAFDW gig for Tim. Tim has MS. He has been a fan since about 1998 when a friend turned him on to the EBB. I agreed a token fee of a 50p 2014 piece with Galadriel. She gave me a one pound 2014 coin which meant my fee doubled. This was a win, win evening so that fitted perfectly. 
Galadriel told me her plan was that I would be the surprise guest for Tim's birthday party. I arrived on time, some how that seemed very important. I was lead to the garden where Tim was seated in his wheelchair holding court with the assembled guests. Unfortunately Tim's illness is quite advanced and yet he is so alive and engaging. He struggles to talk at times but we were able to have a good old chat about lots of things early on. Tim's smiles like an angel and has a power that is hard to describe. This is clearly a man who knows how to make what he can of what he has and he is full of life. Awe inspiring and I say this with out reservation.

Galadriel used to be married to Tim. She has her own health issues as many of us do but she is also some one who fights the good fight with what she has. Her request to me could not be ignored and I can honestly say the evening with Tim and Galadriel, his carer and friends and family was a delight. If I ever need affirmation that my time on this planet has been useful then this evening was it. I feel where ever my travels through life might have taken me this was always going to happen.I would not have missed meeting and playing for Tim for any thing and I would have traded any one of many special happy days to play this gig.

Tim used to play guitar and so when I began to play and sing for him he listened intently and watched my fingers with interest. I was seated opposite to where Tim sat and every one else had to sit or stand where they could. Every one clapped politely and enthusiastically but the little show was for Tim. Between songs Tim asked lots of questions and I learned a lot about where he was coming from, where he had been and that there was a time when the massive sound of an over amplified guitar was one of his great delights. He asked me about the new songs and told me one of his favourite old songs is Poppy so I sang it for him and he sang along. It terrifies me sometimes when it occurs to me that some folk know some of my songs better than me so I tried very hard to get it right. I do make mistakes and sure enough I made small error ( lol) while Tim sang the correct line. I can't tell you how good it felt to play for Tim and to see how much difference it made to him that I was there. If I could do this every day that would be my new job.

With a journey to make it was time to leave. I was aware that Tim needed to rest and get organised for the night and I didn't want him to overdo things. Better to be safe than sorry etc. I had a very special time with Tim. He is a brother now and I wish him well and hope that he gets to have what he can have while he can. I know he is well supported and that is so good to see.

So Tim it was a privilege to meet you and your people. I had a lovely time and you taught me lots. You are an inspiration and it was an honour to be asked to play for you. This brings me to the woman who made it happen. Thank you Galadriel for inviting me and good luck with all your ventures. I expect we will be in contact from time to time. Keep me posted on Tim's life and adventures and bless you all.



Potty-Pott said...

LO, it' Galadriel aka Louise aka Potty-Pot here. Yes Tim does try to make what he can out of life, and as Tim's former carer , I use that term to describe a family member/partner who cares for a loved one as aopposed to paid careworker. Most of the marriages, where one partner the cared for one the care giver have split up. Yes I have to admire Tim's tenacity, not sure about my own , but yep the occasion has to be right, ie if peope nag me to do something I'm likely to rebel, unless I want to do it. I'm not usually one for having my photo taken, as I worry I'm "too fat". Maybe I do fight the good fight with what I have if it's something I'm passionate about. I've discovered more newer unfamiliar songs, I loved "Our Daily Bread", probably sums my views of Christianity, I write from a Pagan/Heathen viewpoint, tho Tim has recently become a member of the CofE. I don;t know how long Tim has on this planet , that's partially why I arranged his surprise when I did rather than waiting to his 50th. Thank you Edgar for playing, yep I'll stay in contact. Tim is a rather a technophobe, tho I think I've proved computers can be used for good purposes as well as bad.

mike from Albuquerque said...

Absolutely charming.Must be fun Rob.

Potty-Pott said...

Hi Edgar. Sure was a great night. Tho I think his Mum who has contact details for family & friends, almost forgot about it 'til the Sunday before the Saturday evening, so maybe would've had a few more guests,but I think that lounge would've ended up a bit cramped, that's why I thought about the garden if it was a better evening,tho the acoustics wouldn't have been quite so good. Tim's agency care worker (not the live in one), but has a homecare agency come in to give the live in care worker time off & to assist with the operation of getting Tim up & dressed in the morning. His main care worker says Tim had been waxing lyrical about Sat eve, and said you've been playing EBB CDs or the Rockpalast DVD every morning when she's been there. I don't think Kevin (Tim's brother) and all his entourage have heard of the EBB, til that night, but maybe some new fans there. I'm not as familiar with your newer songs, but loved Aerials. I know Zydo Gazebo was on the EBB Myspace page , another favourite of mine. Will have to buy that By Myself download, I gather Edgar you maybe heard I'm nuts on Queen (and the Rolling Stones) so Queen Live At The Rainbow 1974 is on my must get list I get frustrated by money or lack of GRRR, maybe what keeps me going is that hopefully it will work out in the end. I did invite my friend Davina along , but she was really rough with a chest infection & ear infection, I think she was due in hospital the previous Friday for an operation, but had to postpone that, as I think she'd like to have been there Sat eve. Hi Mike, yes I think everyone enjoyed Saturday night.