Today I received a very interesting email from the RCN re the campaign for justice for “Whistle Blower” nurse Margaret Haywood who was re-instated after being sacked and disqualified for drawing attention to ill treatment of patients in a Brighton Hospital. They are extending this campaign in a pre election drive to engage government over the issues. If standards in the care environment are to be maintained and improved, then practioners must be safe when they decide to high light bad practice. This is essential when their protests are ignored by self serving managers. If you would like to join this campaign to ensure they are protected see the link below.
Well done folks for the suggestions around the issues of new year resolutions or those made at other times. Thanks to all. Send me your postal details Angela and a signed copy of Parlez Vous English will be winging its way to you
I’ll be off to a weekend of intense rehearsal on Friday. Last rehearsals went well. We were working mostly on some songs we have toyed with and performed but they needed work. We are going to put some thing old in the set that we haven’t played for years. I think we might have played a couple of these songs back in the day when Victor Unitt was in the band but not since. There is an idea to perform The Dawn Crept Away at some point and a plan to approach it with a libretto as in opera. It might work, it might not but it’s good to approach things from a different angle. Some time ago while rehearsing we arranged ourselves in a circle and played around with songs that were hardly written or had any thing like a finalised arrangements of their parts. We mostly sat around to play where we would usually stand, except for Steve of course. I remember Dave Cox who played guitar then, spent most of the afternoon on his knees in front of his amplifier eliciting some magical noise from his guitar which we never heard again. The point is we approached things a bit differently and it produced some different music.
I’ll try to get a few snaps of the proceedings over the weekend and put them in my next post here.
So Clare Short spilled the beans at the Chilcot Enquiry. She really has it in for her Tony doesn’t she? She voted for the war and has been accused of only supporting the British Army if it was handing out food parcels and other cool stuff not the bloody stuff of war. In other words it is suggested by many commentators that she is probably a bit of peacenik hippie when it comes to war. Ok for me and possibly you but that might be a bit of a handicap for a minister involved in the process of supporting troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. If Clare was a little more willing to take some responsibility for her involvement in the errors of the New Labour cabinet she was part of then, perhaps her revelations would have more power. Maybe what she says is true but, harking back to the issue of whistle blowing, it’s a bit late in the day comrade.
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