It was a good weekend made all the better by the continuing rampage of Liverpool F.C. Yer !Later on Sunday afternoon, young Sonny had a good work out on his dad's drums. It was a bit like listening to the fire of a heavy calibre machine gun stuck on automatic jumping around on a marble floor. Wicked innit ?
Pic below.

This policy was rolled out as a new “duty” for all local govt / public service employees, at all levels. The idea was that this new responsibility would be extended to all citizens. I am not sure how this being implemented and how it is being progressed but it was/ is a good sign.
The latest development applies to all adults along the same lines. It involves the setting up of a pool of social workers across the country who will investigate any complaint brought to their attention in respect of treatment received in any public service environment such as hospitals , youth provision , residential care homes etc. If the complaint by any person friends, relatives or ANY member of the public is found to have substance then an advocate can be employed to pursue the case. I know this is about to run in some parts and it seems to me that this is the kind of idea I can totally endorse. Hey! this what I voted for and expected to get from Labour. I know it’s early days but let’s give it a chance. I know I bang on about the lack of labour commitment to the crucial things but I like to think I will also give credit where credit is due. We need a lot more accountability especially where the care of vulnerable folk are concerned.
So Sir Fred the banker is shaken that people have trashed his car and had a go at his house. I don’t condone the senseless vandalism lol but, nor do I care that he is inconvenienced. This is the tip of the iceberg and people will take what they consider to be direct action when they feel let down by the people who should have intervened to prevent him getting away with it in the first place.
R.I.P. Jade Goody. Perhaps thousands of women will be saved from the tragedy she faced because of her. Perhaps we should be extremely grateful that her loss will be of lasting benefit through her contribution to the seed change in public awareness around cervical cancer. Reviled she was but if we are to be judged by the harm and good we do in our lives then perhaps she has the edge on most of us. Judge ye not ! We didn’t look after her all that well after all. Did we?
Well I am off to learn the words to Roccococooler. I am probably a dead man if I turn up with a lyric sheet for the next rehearsal. No rest for the gifted eh?
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Have you thought about including 'Dawn Crept Away' in the set Rob? Now that would be an awesome choice, though I think you possibly would be forgiven if a lyric sheet was present now and again! lol
Can't wait for more UK shows!!
Phil Robb
There are many elements to your latest blog, Rob, all of which are worthy of comment. However, if I only pick one, I have to say that as I read that EBB would be including Dr Spock and Speak Down the Wires in the new set, I felt a tingle down my spine, hairs on the back of my neck reached skywards - such is the power of great music, we all have our favourites. I sing 'Dr Spock' to my little 'un almost every day whilst nappy changing. My singing voice is shite and he's too young to understand but it does me the power of good and seems to stop him wriggling around so much! I'm determined to have that baby on strike before he's two years old !
shoreham steve
I love the "smell (can't really smell 'em but you know what i mean!)and feel of the studio photos , gets my excitment level rising!hoping that there may be few shows this year with new old songs and new new songs! Saw you play Arial at Leicester i dont think this has been on a disc yet but i remember the song and the drumming pattern (or what ever the musical term is!)and thought thats a classic Ebb song , not played any EBB for while but i think tonight im going to play Oora .... um fantasic just fantastic!
Hi Rob
Great to see that you have put some more classic songs into the new set. Alot of your gigs circa 1972/73 started with Side by Side didnt they? A couple of recordings that I have, did anyway. Excellent stuff. Will be looking forward to seeing the band in the UK this year.
Agreed with your comments about Jade Goody, hopefully her publicised battle with cancer may save some lives in the future. However, did find some of the media's coverage ( i needn't say which media groups) of her last few weeks slightly macabre. And yes youre right we didnt look after her and there are lots more cases like that in this country.
On a different note, why oh why have UEFA decided to draw us with Liverpool again. Its getting very tiresome now!
All the best
I've spoken to a good few mates about the perfect EBB set, and it ends up with pretty much all the first six albums, plus a few A and B sides thrown in for good measure... a real personal favourite is always Call Me A Liar, as relevant today as it was when it was released in ... way back when!! That long ago... really, where did all those hours and minutes go. Last quick point... the picture of Luke playing guitar is the first time I've thought... he is certainly his Father's Son... winding the old clock back some. Health and Happiness and can't wait for some more UK gigs
Brown is a slightly more credible character than the truth assassin Blair. I like what you said about J. Goody. Bless her.
Yeah always good to get an idea of how you guys do stuff. I like the low tech approach though its clear you have a mastery of more high tech solutions from previous blogs. Simple is often best. You have inspired me for years and my amateur music recordings are filled with reference to your material. So thanks Edgar.
I once described Jacqui Smith as the worst Home Secretary in history - now it turns out she's the most expensive too. Gordon Brown says we should stop being nasty to her as she works very hard to keep us safe. Well, our lollipop lady works very hard to keep us safe and I doubt she gets £300K and a fancy set of bath taps. I can almost understand how her £40K husband remains in their 'second home' watching dodgy movies.
I am getting worried about Barack Obama. Hubris alert. Ever so clever attacking the true bravery and determination of the special olympic athletes. Has anyone noticed that he has developed a 'strut'? ('Look at me, I'm really important'). The 'strut' reminds me a little of Liam Gallagher. Perhaps Liam would make a better President - at least they would have a better anthem. Come to think of it, we could replace our cabinet with Girls Aloud. Cheryl would make a great Home Secretary.
Paul, cheesed off in the Dales
Paul , cheesed of in the dales Wenslydale perhaps!
hi rob its sonny liverpool are on a roll and i'm on a drum kit awesome c u soon m8
Yesseriebub, totally agree that one shouldn't condone violence or vandalism against that totalutterflippintotalutterbastardFred thingy - but - if anyone gets caught for for it, I'd like to see everyone stand up and say "I'm Spartacus!"
ramblinmadly x
I'm Spartacus!
Spartacus in the Dales
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