There is some thing timeless about the attraction of a fire in the open air or in the home.
Like many of us I remember being a small child sitting in front of a coal fire, peering through the fireguard at the pictures drawn there in the flame and smoke. I still do this when the rare opportunity to sit by a hearth with a fire is presented. With the heat of the fire hot on my cheeks I look for phantoms among the dying embers. It is easy to see how this captivated ancient peoples and on through all time.
Taking some shots of a fire on a cold frosty night recently I was astonished by one image which is contained in the cropped pic above and shown below completely untouched. You can see the iron hearth through the fire and there he is up to the left side of the photo. I've met him some where before but I never got take his photo before ha ha! Any way, I thought some of you might find this amusing.
On looking at other photos I found some coals that had face like shapes so I filled these in with a few alterations.
I am a novice at this but still it's great fun. If I am making some thing I am happiest. What could be better than spending an old fashioned winter evening with good company and ..... a fair few fire phantoms?
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
I know their brother and sisters , i see them in clouds sometimes.this week has been good to us , our beloved little girl has had 8 puppies! and all are doing fine so far, makes for a busy house hold now
Hey Tony
Know their brothers and sisters ? In clouds ? Whoa ! Good fun though eh?
Good about the puppies.
All the best to you and yours friend.
Not too sure about brothers and sisters but I'm sure I spotted an old flame !
shoreham steve
(with apologies)
Steve - Did it leave you with burning desires?
(double apologies!)
I don't wish to fan the flames but has anyone found my headgear?
Arthur Brown
Phillistines lol !
Good to see you back.
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