Friday, 25 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The video project YOIK is taking shape. Thanks for all the suggestions about possible locations. Thanks Ade for your stuff and for the very interesting music. I have to get together with Ramblin’ to organise visits to the best locations. I’m still interested in hearing about any rural or urban settings for performing the yoiks and chants for the video album. I have to say a special hello to Jenny and crew. I was fascinated and touched by your mail about your recent trip east and the work there with Tibetan refugees. The answer is yes, I want to help and get involved.
Sally Fadelle is working hard on the story of my life. She recently interviewed Steve and met with Steve and Art together. I would love to have been the proverbial fly on the wall ha ha! Should be a good read.
My fishing has definitely gone on hold with the recent bad weather. Though I had a lovely couple of days lure fishing recently with Steve’s lad Sonny. The fish he has just caught in the pic above came after two hard days fishing for pike with out any success at all. In the dusk of the second evening on the Thames I noticed the small fry fish were being herded into the mouth of an adjoining river by a large shoal of hungry perch. The surface of the river was boiling as the fleeing fish darted away from the predators. Fish jumped clear of the surface in a desperate attempt to escape. I have never seen anything like it. This frenzied feeding was reported on the length of Thames for a week or so on a nightly basis. Finally we both caught a perch just as darkness fell. I was relieved that after all his hard work Sonny got his reward. Well done matey and thanks for your splendid company. By the way, as per usual, both fish were quickly returned to the river in good health.
Well Christmas is nearly here and as some of you will know you can expect little or no support from me for this outmoded and confused ritual but plenty of bah humbug!
In Jan 2010 the EB Band will be rehearsing again. We are playing the 100 Club in London on the 12th of Feb and The Garage, Bergen in Norway on the 19th of Feb. Expect a few surprises by way of changes to the show. We look forward to seeing you there to help us start our year off with a resounding YES !
Over and out demons out
Friday, 23 October 2009

At last some common sense is applied in the recent case of so called whistle blowing by nurse Margaret Haywood in a Brighton hospital. Margaret Haywood who secretly filmed the neglect of elderly patients for a BBC Panorama television documentary and was struck off the nursing register for misconduct in April, has won her fight to return to work. The court replaced the striking off order with a one year caution, which means that she can return to work as a nurse. About time too.
Glasvegas is a great young band from Glasgow and I particularly like the lyric to this song from their debut album.
When you say that I'm no good and you feel like walking
I sent a link for these lyrics to a friend who is a social worker. She liked the song but asked - Where is the mention of all the paper work Geraldine has to complete?
Often new directives are well received by social workers but they know there will be no resources to make the directive actual. They are still expected to carry out the work.
Let’s not forget that now Margaret Haywood has been reinstated as a nurse she too will go back to endless paper work which will decrease the time she can spend looking after us.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Wednesday, 26 August 2009
beside small industries
winding paths
circling one time gravel pits
now brackish pools and crystal lakes
the sun high in the summer sky
dappled reflections in green lagoons
reeds sway at the waterside
there by the lily meadow
in the gentle breeze
singing trees made leaf music
whispering some thing sweet
some thing lovely remembered
shadows and light
geese in a line
strumming the air
calling from another dream time
on a westerly storm beach far away
broads and dykes
teeming with life
deep in the moment
quiet and still
the best things in life are all true
this is free

copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Friday, 14 August 2009
The Sami are the indigenous peoples of the most northern parts of Scandinavia. They live in an area between the Kola peninsula in Russia to the north of Finland, Norway and Sweden, astride the Kolen mountains south to Trondheim in Norway and to Idre in Sweden. The Finnish Sami region consists of the northern part of the province of Lapland, defined in a 1973 statute as consisting of the communes of Utsjoki, Inari and Enotnekio and the herding cooperative in the northern part of the commune of Sodankyla. This area covers 35,000 km 2, that is, 36% of the province and about 10% of Finland. During the harsh winter the Sami, who have herded reindeer for generations, graze their animals in the last remaining ancient forests in Europe . Their way of life is under threat by deforestation of these same forests by Metsähallitus, the Finnish state-owned logging company.
The Sami are probably among the last remaining people of the great European nomadic tribes. Their land rights should be enshrined in law. If they lose their struggle in this I feel sure we will all lose some thing of great value. This isn’t some issue in a far off place which might seem to be nothing to do with us nor an issue over which we should be silent. I believe the Sami know and appreciate the true value of their beautiful wilderness and understandably want it preserved for generations to come. It will be a shameful atrocity of the highest order if the Finnish Government and the Corporate loggers defeat this just and righteous aim. If we don't maintain the wilderness and it's keepers, the wasteland in it's place will be a dreadful legacy and our descendants will despise us for our weakness.
A statement on the Metsäliitto web site >
Metsäliitto is committed to responsible sourcing of wood. While our mission is to supply high quality wood for the Group's mills, we also take into account forest biodiversity and maintaining the opportunity for the multiple use of forests in all our operations.
Metsäliitto records half year pre tax loot for 2009 in excess of 248 million euros
Saturday, 8 August 2009

It was touching to hear so many memories from people we shared our lives with in person back then and now, through our music. We all remember different bits of the story and it was fascinating to be reminded of some of the bits lost to us with the passing of time. There was one guy who timidly came up to me after waiting patiently in the line of folk wanting to touch base to tell me when and where they first saw us and other memories relating to the saga of EBB. The guy eventually asked me – “ When did Steve leave the band?” My response was a little irritated as I told him “ Steve didn’t leave the band he just played the f…… gig”. He just looked completely blank and shuttled off. Weird! Still it takes all sorts and I hope he enjoyed the show as much as most of the people I spoke with seemed to have done.
There were lots of wrinklies in the house as is always the case but there is a steadily growing contingent of younger folk coming to check us out. I had a delightful chat with one young woman who praised the band and told me she found the music surprising and complete. She was twenty years of age and it was clear we had made a very positive impact. I do get a huge buzz from connecting with the young as well as the older regulars who all together made the night one to remember for all of us.

It has to be said that The Assembly must be one of if not the best venue of it’s size in the U.K. We have not received similar service anywhere else here. The house P.A. crew Ed and Oz did a splendid job and they dug the gig man! All of the staff were very friendly and helpful. It was a real pleasure to perform there. Thanks guys.
It was a very pleasant surprise to find this kind of quality venue just up the road from where we started out although we knew of it by reputation before we arrived. Every aspect of this set up has obviously been carefully thought through from the technical operation to the catering. If you are ever passing check out fish and chips to die for in The Assembly restaurant.
So, thanks to all who came and came to say hello. As always thanks to our crew Spadge, Rik, young Sonny, and family and friends who make it all work.
Copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2 0 0 9
Monday, 3 August 2009

As some of you know this is our 40th anniversary as the EB Band and going home after such a long time will be quite special if a little strange.
As most people will know by now last Saturday the promoter pulled the plug on the Woodstock Remembered Festival which we were due to appear at the day after the Leamington gig. It’s a shame for any one who bought a ticket on the basis that this was a goer but it soon became clear that this was chaos city and the rumour mill kicked in with stuff about health and safety breaches and soon bands began pulling out in numbers. When I spoke to Brian on Friday he was apparently shocked at the looming demise of what was purported to be an idealistic venture. Hmmm! Our business has it's share of deluded fantasists, hobbyists and dabblers who take no responsibility for the chaos they create.
Friday, 24 July 2009
“It’s not about the bike” is the title of Lance Armstrong’s autobiography. It is an inspiring read whether you are a cycle racing fan or not. Any way, Lance is currently at third place in the 2009 Tour De France. This is a fantastic achievement for the 37 year old American who has been away from the Tour for 3 years. I had a £5 bet with Steve that Alberto Contador would win this years tour while he went for Armstrong. I remember a good humoured argument over this in his kitchen when I was saying that a riders ability to recover in the tour with it’s punishing daily grind is paramount and I suggested Armstrong wouldn’t have his old magical powers of recovery that made him so outstanding. Well I was wrong even though it looks as if my man Contador will win by more that 4 minutes. Armstrong has obviously recovered well enough to put him in third place but with the terrible Ventoux mountain stage to come tomorrow, I think Lance will slip back to 4th or 5th.
So why am I telling you all this? Here I am recovering from a 30 mile ride along the south coast yesterday with my dear friend Ramblin Mad ( Dave Randell ). I ache a little bit but otherwise I am feeling good.
Dave has been urging me to set a date for ride out or two for ages and I have been out for the odd ride on my own in the night. Any way we identified yesterday as the day this week with a plan to go to the coast and ride together for a while. The day before I tried to slip out of it on the grounds that I wasn’t ready and didn’t wish to be left behind on the road. Dave assured me that with his sciatica and lack of miles in his legs we would be looking for a flat course and would take it steady. So I agreed and we set off the following morning heading for Hove.
We duly arrived at our Sat Nav destination on the sea front. Dave had prepared every thing. Two foldable chairs, kettle, cups, bowls for cereal and bags of provisions including energy drink for our bidons ( Oops! Getting French there – water bottles) and energy bars. I’d had breakfast and my bottle was full but the freshly made cup of Assam tea was like nectar as we sat on our chairs in the glorious sunshine. I was very touched by Dave’s effort to make this work.
After a while we got the bikes of the car and set off slowly into a stiff headwind towards Devon. Sounds good eh? Dave had asked which way we should go out and thinking of the three lumpy bits on the way out past Brighton and that there would be a headwind on our way back I decided we would go West. The first few miles were painful as we rolled along very gently. With our little echelon of two, with me sheltering from the wind behind Dave, things got better at around four miles as we turned off the main road and along the lovely coastal cycle path. We stopped for a breather and I felt better as we watched wind surfers on the beach just before Worthing. We had picked a great day for it but sitting in the sun with the wind blowing in our faces I was looking forward to the time when we would turn back with a tail wind. We rode on through Worthing and out the other side. We rolled around the pretty villages and lanes for some time before we felt that lull in the breeze as we turned, heading back. The ride back was done in one go and a good deal quicker. If it hadn’t been for traffic we would have gone even quicker and I was able to go to the front.
We arrived back at the car and changed out of our cycling gear. The bikes went back on the roof and we set off for the hills for some cerebral relaxation and tea. We ended up in a National Trust lay by overlooking a beautiful view of Devils Dyke. Dave made the tea and we sat on a grassy slope and chatted for a while and discussed other possible locations for our adventures before setting back to London. My legs burned with the old familiar lactic acid ache and I felt great. I felt great because finally I had made the start line and in our very small way we had triumphed. Energy over apathy. I am 61 and Dave will be 60 next year and we ‘aint done yet. I reckon we can get fitter together. Soon I will be able to climb again. Slowly, as always, but steady and sure knowing I will fall like a stone down the descents. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeh! Once again my old mate has come good. It was his insistence that all would be well that really gave me the push I needed. Give it a few months and we’ll be rockin. I couldn’t ask for a better companion in this so, thanks mate for all your love and care. Here's to the next time.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2 0 0 9
Saturday, 6 June 2009

So, while we were “fiddling” in Aylesbury Westminster carried on burning and the drip drip of rats afraid to drown with their leader has now turned into a steady stream leaving the sinking ship that is New Labour. After a great deal of thought I have decided not to participate in any election until the opportunity to support real change exists. I used to believe that it was every one’s duty to vote in order to participate in and to maintain the democratic process.
While I feel there is no obvious nor indeed any likely credible candidate to replace Brown in any party, there must be a change that will herald some real and radical reform. I think I can just smell the faintest scent of new possibility some where on the winds of change but I am not sure where it is coming from. What do you think?
Some of you will remember the post I wrote about the disgraceful de-registration of nurse Margaret Haywood for whistle blowing about maltreatment of patients at The Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton. Perhaps it is no surprise that she is not the only one who seems to have been badly treated by the medical regulatory bodies.
Dr David Southall the UK’s leading Child Protection consultant has been struck off the register by the BMC for misconduct. A mother interviewed by him in the presence of a senior Social Worker complained to the BMC that he had accused her of murdering her child. The medical condition of her surviving child had instigated the enquiry undertaken by Dr Southall. Even though the social worker recorded verbatim notes of the meeting her evidence that the doctor behaved appropriately and made no accusations of any kind were ignored by the BMC and by the High Court at his appeal. I recommend you watch the current Panorama on BBC for the details. I hope you will agree this a shocking injustice. In my opinion David Southall epitomises the kind of Child Protection officer that we desperately need and while his methodology might be considered controversial his success in saving children from the grown ups is self evident. I believe what ever can be done to save the children should be done. Please check it out. I’d very much like to know what others think.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Steve picked a great day for his birthday bash last Sunday, the hottest day this year so far. There was a nice mix of people, a usual, including a very nice bunch of kids and one or two faces not seen for a while. There were a few missing faces but they are not forgotten. It was a very civilised affair and there was a genuine warmth among those gathered. Most of us have been around a long time and have known each other through many stages of our lives. I met up with an old friend and co-conspirator on early recording including Oora. Alan O’Duffy has been a freelance recording and mixing engineer for 30 years working in the music industry and in TV and film industries. It was very nice to meet up again and share experiences and stories. I think that when we really connect with people the passing years do not erode the connection and we are able to pick up where we left things.
At the weekend we will spending a day working on our show for the Friars 40th anniversary gig at the Maxwell Hall Aylesbury on Monday the 1st of June. We are scheduled on stage at around 8.30. It will be another opportunity to meet up with old mates The Pretty Things and Tony McPhee and The Groundhogs. I am looking forward to it very much.
Further down the road will be our return to Leamington Spa on the 7th of August. We will be performing an extended set covering all our albums with one or two surprises and again, looking forward to meeting old friends and family. We will be playing the Woodstock Remembered Festival on the 8th.
I hope that one day we’ll be playing at the Labour Remembered Festival long after we have got rid of the taste of New labour. Mean while I am looking forward to rehearsing with the guys on Saturday. It promises to be another “sunny day”.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Saturday, 23 May 2009
Below is a snapshot of life below in beautiful Battersea Park. The sound of leather on willow is temporarily drowned by the throbbing whine of the choppers.
The contrast between the activity overhead and down here among the people in their park was striking.
Mean while the controversy over the MPs expenses fraud rages on. I never thought I would ever have any thing much in common with Norman Tebbit but his call to boycott the coming European Elections struck a chord with me. He was criticised by his party which is no surprise but he has a point and now is our time to make it. I have no intention of voting for anyone under these circumstances unless I can help to spoil their party. This is an apalling condition for me to find myself in. I have always participated and encouraged others to vote. Your comments on this dilemma would be very interesting.
Some MPs have had the decency to walk away but I fear the remaining rot is deep in the fabric of Westminster and therefore the system is disfunctional. For most of my life assertions by my myself and my comrades that we deserve better , that the heart of our governing system is tainted, that the people who run things live outside of our reality and have lower standards than most of us was always dismissed as oversimplification. Ha ha!
Most of the people I have known and have worked with have much higher standards than these parasites and would not need The Speaker of the House or any one else to tell them they were on the take.
Our representatives need a job spec, a job description, and independent scrutiny in all areas, like it is in most work environments. They should be inspected along Ofsted lines to ensure they meet targets and standards with no opportunity to change the goal post when they don't get to tick the required boxes.
No organisation operates along the lines that Westminster does and it is time they were brought into the modern era. We need reform of our political system. Word is clearly out. The current crop is not fit for purpose and should walk away. If they don’t we should send them on their way.
After a successful purge in Westminster I suggest a War on the Greater Greed and a radically different foreign policy not based soley on what is in it for us. Who knows we might see a favourable response re-gaining respect from the rest of our world along the lines Pres Obama is seeking for the USA.
Any one for cricket?
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Friday, 8 May 2009

Some thing changing happens when we go above the Arctic circle and we become energised. The air is wonderful and the scenery breathtaking. Jan Johansen has invited me to go fishing with him on our next visit. Hey! I just wanna hole up there for a few years and be still and quiet. Well, maybe not quiet ha ha!
Mean while the EB B is appearing at the Friars 40th Anniversary gig on the 1st of June, The Assembly, Leamington Spa on the 7th of August and Woodstock Remembered festival on the 8th. Check out the gigs section on the site for details, as we get them.
Some years ago my partner was working in Lambeth for their Youth Service in the pioneering Lambeth Young Womens Project. Jack Straw was visiting in some official capacity. They had a discussion about lack of services. Jack immediately stated “ people should pay their poll tax”. She replied that she lived in Wandsworth and at that time there was a small charge there that she paid. Jack slunk off. It has come to light that he massively underpaid his community charge in recent times. Of course he has paid it back now. So that’s o.k. then Jack. The long list of sleazy expenses is growing every day.
Some years ago, while managing the technical operation on the wandsworth youth radio station Fundamental FM, I witnessed an interview between teenagers and Home Office Minister Paul Boateng. When asked by a youngster why young people drifted into crime he aggressively asserted “ young people don’t drift into crime , they make a choice to do so”. I was shocked at his arrogant lack of sensitivity and that a few smart young ‘uns could so easily get him on his back foot. He didn’t like the fact they suggested politicians alienated young people and lost votes. Three years ago the government paper Every Child Matters stated that steps must be taken to prevent young people “drifting into crime”. It seems that these people move the goal posts when it suits and as if it won’t be noticed.
Recently New Labour has shown us the truly dark and deceitful nature of UK politics. And worse they are totally out of touch with reality. Their lack of intervention in the case of whistle blower Margaret Haywood, the nurse who filmed the neglect of elderly patients for a BBC Panorama documentary is disappointing, given their insistence that Local Authorities and public service providers construct their own whistle blower policies. The government is obsessed with meaningless targets and driven by box ticking but they only like the outcomes that will bolster their Kafka-esque policies.
The treatment of Margaret Haywood is outrageous. She had gone through all the usual procedures to try to effect the change needed to ensure the issues around patient care were addressed but with out success. There are plenty of ways to protest at Margaret’s treatment so please participate.
Brown promised a u turn in the affair of the Gurhkas but yesterday it was clear he must have forgotten to inform the relovent parties responsible for determining wether the old soldiers could reside here. What a buffoon!
Well I have got a few things off my chest. Do I feel better? No, I do not. This country is in serious decline and when I am fortunate to be else where as I was last weekend I feel shame and dismay at the state of these sorry isles.
So is that it? All doom and gloom? No of course not! There is always another side to the coin and yesterday I heard a lovely story about some ones efforts to unite an old lady with her son who she has not been able to visit for a long time. The mother is not well and coming to the end of her life. In her own words, to see her son is her last mission. I can not tell the details but the effort and resourcefulness required to make this happen is way beyond the call and mandate of the professionals involved. Still, they will achieve this if at all possible. There is hope within a good heart. Meaningful success will come from still trying when others give up among the shambles. I love them for their good hearts and wish them the best things in their lives.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2009
Sunday, 12 April 2009

where gulls cry
evokes sweet melancholy
banishing sorrow
I am contented
among the ghosts of the river dwellers
norse and engel
deep in my being
of tents in the dawn
going west to the sea through the night
hoping the storms would abate
the sun on my back
happy and free
This is a place where truth abides
everything else fading and crumbling
The tides pushing in
walk with me ?
Wednesday, 25 March 2009

It was a good weekend made all the better by the continuing rampage of Liverpool F.C. Yer !Later on Sunday afternoon, young Sonny had a good work out on his dad's drums. It was a bit like listening to the fire of a heavy calibre machine gun stuck on automatic jumping around on a marble floor. Wicked innit ?

This policy was rolled out as a new “duty” for all local govt / public service employees, at all levels. The idea was that this new responsibility would be extended to all citizens. I am not sure how this being implemented and how it is being progressed but it was/ is a good sign.
The latest development applies to all adults along the same lines. It involves the setting up of a pool of social workers across the country who will investigate any complaint brought to their attention in respect of treatment received in any public service environment such as hospitals , youth provision , residential care homes etc. If the complaint by any person friends, relatives or ANY member of the public is found to have substance then an advocate can be employed to pursue the case. I know this is about to run in some parts and it seems to me that this is the kind of idea I can totally endorse. Hey! this what I voted for and expected to get from Labour. I know it’s early days but let’s give it a chance. I know I bang on about the lack of labour commitment to the crucial things but I like to think I will also give credit where credit is due. We need a lot more accountability especially where the care of vulnerable folk are concerned.
So Sir Fred the banker is shaken that people have trashed his car and had a go at his house. I don’t condone the senseless vandalism lol but, nor do I care that he is inconvenienced. This is the tip of the iceberg and people will take what they consider to be direct action when they feel let down by the people who should have intervened to prevent him getting away with it in the first place.
R.I.P. Jade Goody. Perhaps thousands of women will be saved from the tragedy she faced because of her. Perhaps we should be extremely grateful that her loss will be of lasting benefit through her contribution to the seed change in public awareness around cervical cancer. Reviled she was but if we are to be judged by the harm and good we do in our lives then perhaps she has the edge on most of us. Judge ye not ! We didn’t look after her all that well after all. Did we?
Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Taking some shots of a fire on a cold frosty night recently I was astonished by one image which is contained in the cropped pic above and shown below completely untouched. You can see the iron hearth through the fire and there he is up to the left side of the photo. I've met him some where before but I never got take his photo before ha ha! Any way, I thought some of you might find this amusing.

On looking at other photos I found some coals that had face like shapes so I filled these in with a few alterations.