Helpful ideas on keeping resolutions, whenever they are made, in the comments section please. Best suggestion gets a signed copy of Parlez Vous English.
We begin rehearsals over the coming weekend in readiness for the 100 club on the 12th of Feb and the 19th and 20th in Bergen, Norway at the Garage so this should shake out a few cobwebs and wake the ears up. We are going to play around with a couple of old songs we haven’t played as well as look at some new songs we stopped playing for a while.
My thing of the moment is to re examine some of the older material we play so that the live performance is more representative of the recorded version. Any way, there will be lots to do and laughs to be had and as always I shall be looking forward to hooking up with the guys again. It’s been a while since we were all together in the same room.
I guess the EBB activities will throw up the odd adventure and now doubt, the odd curve ball.
I’ve been busy working on edits of my YOIK videos project and soon it will be time to head out again with Ramblin to shoot some more stuff. It can’t be finished until we’ve shot some Spring and Summer stuff and of course as the ideas flow the time required for realisation is extended. I will be calling on people who have offered to help and have locations in their area. Ha ha! I hear a voice saying, “ You say this Rob but will it ever be finished”? These days time lines are put up on me only by people who financially support me, employ me or offer other patronage otherwise I’m on Rob time. It takes as long as it takes.
It is 2010 and time to actualise a few good ideas that have been kicking around for some time. Perhaps it is the 10 in the year or perhaps it’s just that it’s high time. One idea is to head off out for a couple of months towards the end of summer this year and emerse myself in a strange and wonderful place, finish my book and come back changed. I had an opportunity to go north for the Sami reindeer gathering in November last year. My good friend Jarle and I copped out in the end as 2009 temperatures plummeted and pockets were empty. Hey Jarle! let’s walk through your northern wilderness with the sun in our faces or on our backs.
Previously I don’t think I ever began a year with such a thirst for adventures, challenge and change. I feel stronger than I have for some time and although my demons conspire to ambush me on occasion I am mostly well, happy and confident that 2010 offers lots of lovely, good stuff.
I don’t where or when our next UK gig will be. So, see you at the 100 Club in London on the 12th Feb if you want to be sure of a next time. You never know!!!!!!!
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2010
Hi Rob
Good result last night for a change.
I suppose our Chelsea mates on here have been quite kind over last weeks lol.
Going to try to get to 100 Club gig if I can.
Hi Rob.
Off course we'll visit the north of Norway,enjoy the sun(hopefully) and get some fish(guaranteed).
The competition :Resolutions... I've tried to quit smoking many times, but doesn't have the guts needed. What happens to me is that my motivation disappears after some days, so I guess to keep up ones motivation is maybe one way to go...keep reminding oneself why and the advantages of doing it....
Hi Rob
Really looking forward to seeing you guys at the 100 club. We have our tickets and can't wait!
If it's overcoming addictions then you can't beat "How To Quit Without Feeling S*** " by Patrick Holford.The nutritional lowdown on how to give your body what it really desires that is being masked by your addiction.
As far as adventures go,just follow the gleam......we all need a good quest now and again!
We call for blessings on the journey!
Keep fit and healthy!
welcome back from hibernation! looking forward to hearing any new songs/old songs/newold songs!
we cant make the 100 club gig due to filming commitments so we are hoping there will be more uk gigs this year.. please, or meybe you could play Herzberg again !
Resolutions will work if you have the right mind set i lost weight a couple of years ago because my mind set was right but last year its seamed to change and weight came back its like i lost control , once ive regained that control i well get back on track its just getting the control back.
Neil mentioned a nice download from a BBC gig on Amazon which ive now got and am enjoying( thanks for the info Neil) meybe there will be more , im not a great fan of downloads i quite like sleeves and notes with my cd's but mebe thats the way things are going to go , meybe down loads on bands sites will cut out the middle men and ensure money /control remain with the band , who knows what ever you guys do you'll always have my support!
cheers for now
Hi Rob!
..Resolutions...sound like good name for an Album.
Talk to my mum this morning.She lives in Bosnia and she is 82 old in great shape.She eats only fish,soup,salad,fruits,vegetables no fat cheese,doesn`t smoke.She didn`t taste any beacon or other fried and greasy stuff for 20 years.
Exercise is so important,good for you that you love bike ride,fishing,you`ll be good budie!
I start diet with small meals and i smoke few in evening........
all the best to broughton gang and ;;; a bit late
very happy new 2010!
Hi Rob
I'm trying hard to juggle my committments to make it to the 100 club. The last EBB 100 Club gig was probably the best I've seen.
Regarding resolutions, the serious answer is to reward yourself (as you would reward a child for good behaviour) so if you want to increase your fitness via regular bike rides and a healthy diet, plan your cycle route and plan your reward of something unhealthy but f***ing tasty to eat or drink upon your return.
But the best way to not break a resolution is not to make them in the first place !
shoreham steve
On resolutions. Only set out with realistic aims. Don't go too fast or to high. Treat yourself when you achieve. Remove obstacles to progess where you can. Be honest with your self and allow others to support you.
I happen to be working in Norway in Feb Rob but unfortunately I go the week after you come back. Good luck to you and all in 2010.
Versions of the 12 step work for everything
Yes but YOU have to take the first step.
My sister was an alcoholic for years and didn’t realise how much damage was done to family over time, including to her daughter who gave up trying to communicate with her mother through most of her teenage years. This lead to problems for her at school and on into her early twenties. It’s mostly sorted now.
The 12 step worked for them but you gotta smell the sh*t before you can start the cleanup. For most of us the promises we call new year resolutions are usually much easier to achieve than beginning to face up to our addictions. Yes, easier said than done but worth a try?
Just got a copy of the Rock Palast DVD for my birthday. Ace. Keep rocking guys.
Dave Burgess
I work with people whose lives are continually blighted by addiction, either their own or an addiction of someone who shares their lives.
An addiction is usually a symptom to cover a deeper hurt that we are not ready or able face up to. My tip is accept that you have a problem, seek and listen to honest feedback from those that know and love you, and get professional help to explore why you do what you do. Also realise it is never too late to make the difference.
Gave up smoking in July. Could still have one now but am sticking with it, despite a load of temptation over Christmas. The stuff about what it was doing to my health made no difference. What worked for me was remembering that the people who grew, made and sold me this stuff did it to make money - my money - and didn't care that it could kill me. And that thought keeps me through. Plus spending the money I've saved watching my beloved Crewe Alexandra FC (so it's not all good news). and then I put on weight. so I've been on a diet since January 4th, which I'm not enjoying very much, but I've lost about a stone already. The trick is to be inventive with food to find things you like, which isn't always easy. Plus, as Shoreham Steve says, give yourself the odd treat now and then (fish and chips before the match tomorrow for me). It's not willpower that works for me but downright bloody-mindedness. I've also resurrected the cycling to work - little and often. And maybe Crewe'll win tomorrow. Nah, I'd best keep my targets realistic.
Just go for it!
Never mind about getting to the first step, one is never going to get anywhere near it if one clearly doesn't even know what the 12 step program is.
There are no 'versions' of it - the 12 steps can be applied to many different things but in each case the program is exactly the same.
It looks like the message often doesn't 'go in' properly. Either that or the poster who suggested it has just done so for effect without any real knowledge of what they are saying.
A bit of an an insult to people who are genuinely facing their struggle to deal with their addictions.
I would go further than what Max said, an addiction, or indeed any form of compulsive behaviour is ALWAYS a distraction from deep historical wounds.
A great Francis Bacon quote, "..we are doomed to repeat that which we cannot remember, until we remember it..."
What a clever lot you are! There are some really useful thoughts and suggestions here.
I think Angela's small but universal tips get my vote so she gets the CD. Mail me Angela and it shall be delivered.
I have given up tobacco again so wish me well. I hope all your resolutions bear fruit.
P.S. Hey Dazza looks like Raffa could be fixing up the team. About time too!!!!
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