“Governments are brought down by the collapse of computer banking systems and the pirates who intercede at major transference terminals and make off with the credits are still selling rice to the dying of the ruined hinterlands, whose rulers have forgotten them in the race to go Western” –
Super Chip the final silicon solution.
It must be clear now that Governments have huge reserves in order to be able to shore up the failing profiteers. The Head of Leh-mans was taking as much as 5 mill in salary, per annum, over a period of six years. What would the US have done with the 700 bill allocated for propping up it’s failing banks had they not needed to? It is amazing what hidden treasure can be found by western governments and the nouveau rich of the developing economies when they and their pals decide they need it. Is Obama a threat to their world order? He intimated the possibility in his acceptance speech some weeks ago. We shall see. Is it reasonable to expect our hopes will be dashed with the usual disappointment of endless broken promises or will a new day dawn in the land of the free? It seems the needy shall not have much relief in these times and the promises of the good and great are hollow though still – unsung good works are carried out by many people who will not accept the increasingly selfish status quo of these days. They struggle as public servants to do what can be done with dwindling resources. On closer inspection Cameron appears to have little if anything helpful to add to the pot regardless of Labours poor showing in recent polls.
Recently during the days of The Hamar festival at which the EB Band performed a new friend gave me an old guitar. It is an unusual object and is hybrid of Fender jaguar and other parts. I restrung it and here it is in all it’s wacky glory.
A new suite of video editing programs sits on my hard drive. I want to re-visit all my previous material and re-process it all but the Deliverance video project is now top of the list and should be finished over the next few days. Keeping busy defeats some demons. The music is almost finished and I have half of the video material. So, I’ll be getting on with it all then.
copyright e d g a r b r o u g h t o n 2008
It is good to see you posting again Rob. Reading you description of the wetlands this morning makes me wish for some time there. Nice looking guitar. I thought all 'rock stars' were given free guitars! - some hopes eh?
Keep writing and making music.
Best wishes
Great Post Rob!! Wonderful description of the wetlands, good enough to make me want to take up fishing - and I HATE FISHING!! lol
So Alastair Darling miraculously found ANOTHER 50 billion this morning to help the banks out! Pity he can't find the money to help the scores of pensioners living in fuel poverty in our so -called modern society, or the countless other victims of Labour's, and in particular, Gordon Browns shameless squandering of our pensions and taxes!!
Still, good to see a fresh post,
Phil Robb.
Welcome back Rob. I hope you, like the guitar, are re-strung and re-tuned.
Yes, the system seems to be collapsing. I feel I should care more. The anarchist in me says let it go - but - I know it would be the poor that suffer as always.
I've just opened my post and I seem to have become a 'toxic asset'. My son says its a great name for his new band.
from Paul, hiding in the Dales
What a wonderful oxymoron - 'toxic asset'! Somehow this bankers doublespeak makes me feel even more nervous about how the situation will be handled - here are some more oxymorons for you:
'Caring Politician'
'Sympathetic Banker'
'Secure Pension'
I feel the same as you, Paul - that little anarchist in me finding a little joy in the economic meltdown - who'd have thought that nationalisation was the way forward ! Now there's an irony.
Good to have you back, Rob. There's a great little venue in Worthing, The Half Brick, when you get back on the road again.
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