Amongst the worst news coming out of Burma, surrounding the peoples difficult march towards
democracy, is news of the systematic murder of Buddhist monks by the ruling government pigs. The very idea that the Burmese dictatorship is so out of touch with it’s people, their culture and heritage that it can order the attacks on the monks and the destruction of their monasteries is terrifying. How ever this is not a new phenomena. It seems that whenever a despot and his cronies reach a certain level of corruption all depravity may follow. Again the UN involvement in attempts to alleviate the situation is all too little, too late as usual.
Is it totally
naive to expect the UN to ever get it approximately right and in a timely fashion? So often the UN gives the impression of being weak and indecisive which will always encourage tyrants such as Burma's military leader Than
Shwe and the thug of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe.
African diplomats presented a united front to support Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's presence at an upcoming EU-Africa summit despite strong European reservations. Gordon Brown opposed it. An official from the African Union's Peace and Security Committee said "We resort to interference only in extreme cases of violence or genocide."
Zimbabwe army and secret police officers overseeing food aid distribution are denying food to hungry opposition supporters as punishment for not backing President Mugabe and his ruling
ZANU PF party. Surely to deny people their right to food is a very extreme form of violence. How extreme does the violence have to be before Mugabe is brought to book for his crimes against his own people? Would it be different if he was also denying the rest of the world access to large reserves of crude oil?
Yesterday, in the UK two fourteen year old males were sentenced to serve a minimum of twelve years for murdering a partially sighted man in the street. They beat and kicked him to death for fun. When told by police that the man had died one of the youngsters said he
wasn’t bothered. I’m very bothered.
The murdered man had already given up carrying a white stick because his experience in the streets told him it sent the message to predatory youngsters, such as his killers, that he was vulnerable and unable to defend himself against abuse.
Government must address the rising level of unprovoked violence. Perhaps we need A WAR ON DEPRIVATION of
all kinds , the root cause of
all kinds of terrorism.
Mean while if young people take any interest in " the news" both good and bad, they will quickly learn that the people who govern us and have influence on the world stage seem to only want to intervene abroad when it is economically advantageous. They will also learn from TV news footage that brutality can be employed in the name of law and order, democracy , national security etc. The list grows every day according to NGO s such as Amnesty International. It would seem the need for democracy in countries that meet intervention criteria is so great that the Iraq war might run and run
in spite of announcements about troop withdrawals and peoples disillusionment , on both sides of the Atlantic. Even the people who supported the war from the beginning must realise the so called Alliance can not win the war for hearts and minds in Iraq. How could they ever think they could?
If you
google “good news” one of your options is a Bible
bashers site called Good News, another is SKY NEWS. Below is a list of items as a result of typing the words “good news” on the Sky News search engine.
· 1.
Good News For Farmers: EU To Lift Export BanBritain will be allowed to export live animals, meat and dairy from this Saturday.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 23/08/07
· 2.
Tired Of Rain? Heres Some Good NewsIt may seem like summer has gone missing so far this year - but there is good news on the horizon.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 31/07/07
· 3.
Good News As Reuters Earnings RiseMedia group Reuters revealed higher-than-expected profits for its first half, and said sales were strong.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 27/07/07
· 4.
Good News For Tourists As Pound SurgesAt last, there is some good news for holiday makers and others travelling abroad to countries using the dollar.
Relevance 95% Last Modified 03/07/07
· 5.
Groups Welcome Energy Price CutsConsumer groups say they are delighted that British Gas has decided to cut its domestic prices.
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· 6.
Good News For Booze CruisesThe Treasury will be breathing a sigh of relief after the
EUs top court ruled shoppers must pay domestic duties when having goods delivered from the continent. It...
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· 7.
No Nudes Is Good News For BritonsNudity in public is the greatest modern taboo, according to a survey. Almost two out of five (37%) people placed nakedness at the top of a list of unacceptable public...
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· 8.
Good News As Archive SoldReuters saw a 4.6% gain in third-quarter revenue, up to £631m from £611m for the same time last year. That was its strongest net sales so far this year.
isn’t it? So come on folks tell us your good news.
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