Wednesday, 20 August 2014

our daily bread latest

Any one who has hosted a FDPFAFDW event can apply directly to 
for tickets for the show below. 
Tickets are £15-00.
First come, first served, first supper :)

T I C K E T     O U T L E T S     T O    B E    A N N O U N C E D   S O O N 


See the report on Friday from Galleri , Alta in the land of the midnight sun.


Alex Fisher (Osborne) said...

Excellent! Just trying to find a dog-sitter for the evening (or somewhere local to stick the caravan overnight) & we'll be back to you for tickets.
Alex & Nige, Ulverston (remember the FDPFAFDW gig with the biblical deluge?!)

Unknown said...

Edgar, it was an unadulterated delight for us all to have your full attention and companionship for a whole week in Alta, Norway. Let's grab the first possibility and do it again; save from me leaving the sound up to fluke (as I foolishly did on the first night).