40 years since WASA WASA. Evening stands by watching at the side of summers promise .....
Interesting feedback from the bike crew re previous blog. Perhaps we should form a cycling club. First Supper Wheelers any one? Ramblin could be the club captain. Every club has one for Sunday runs and other social rides. The captains main function is to be old and wise, know every thing and make sure the young bloods don’t embarrass the other oldies by leaving them behind in their dust. This was considered to be the height of bad manners. The idea being that we went at the speed of the slowest rider. Back in my racing days ( ha ha! ) that seemed very slow.
For many years my old man used to go on a ride with a couple of his cycle racing / touring mates just before Christmas. They used to ride from Warwick to the Bredon Hills to collect mistletoe for the festive decorations. When my dad died I phoned one of his mates , almost a year later, to see if they would let me go with ‘em. They declined my offer on the basis that they rode very slowly and only the last few miles, making most of the trip by car. I reckon they probably just thought I was a bit weird, even for a cyclist.
Any way, we are all Midlands bound on mass at the end of the week. The band spent most of last weekend rehearsing for the Leamington Spa gig at the Assembly. It should be a lot of fun.
As some of you know this is our 40th anniversary as the EB Band and going home after such a long time will be quite special if a little strange.
As most people will know by now last Saturday the promoter pulled the plug on the Woodstock Remembered Festival which we were due to appear at the day after the Leamington gig. It’s a shame for any one who bought a ticket on the basis that this was a goer but it soon became clear that this was chaos city and the rumour mill kicked in with stuff about health and safety breaches and soon bands began pulling out in numbers. When I spoke to Brian on Friday he was apparently shocked at the looming demise of what was purported to be an idealistic venture. Hmmm! Our business has it's share of deluded fantasists, hobbyists and dabblers who take no responsibility for the chaos they create.
“When the 1969 Woodstock came about it was – and still is – the greatest festival ever anywhere. Many of you today missed this event. Here now is the chance to make amends and see what it was like at that festival…” Organiser Brian Davies.
Brian promised me he will at least pay some expenses already incurred.
As you haven't got a festival to run at the weekend shall we see you at the Assembly on Friday Brian? Shall I put you on the guest list? Come with cash.
Out demons out.
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